for me i have gotten on well with most of them. i like quite a lot of them. in love with one of them.
but one of my friends who is an elder and the COBE was given a really really rough time by the rest of the body so ever since then i am wary.....
i know some who truly believed they were "gifts in men".
they needed their approval and wanted to be well spoken of by them.. i know some who can't stand elders and regard them as pests, always looking for some dirt on somebody.. i know some who liked maybe one or two but regarded the majority as unqualified.. how did you view the elders??
for me i have gotten on well with most of them. i like quite a lot of them. in love with one of them.
but one of my friends who is an elder and the COBE was given a really really rough time by the rest of the body so ever since then i am wary.....
looks like the earth is coming to support the woman and taking the flood of water that the dragon has disgorged out for the woman and her seed ( and i am sure by extension the other sheep) .
HI all
Looks like the Earth is coming to support the Woman and taking the flood of water that the Dragon has disgorged out for the Woman and her seed ( and i am sure by extension the Other Sheep)
the understanding of the society was that transplants were a conscience matter from 1967 til 1973?
then were forbidden from 1973 til 1981?.
however was it possible to have a transplant without any blood transfusions?
hi all
the understanding of the society was that transplants were a conscience matter from 1967 til 1973? then were forbidden from 1973 til 1981?
however was it possible to have a transplant without any blood transfusions? was their objection to transplants because it was impossible to do so because non-bloodless alternatives were not available?
wow... i cant believe it has now been a year since i accepted that im gay.
it has been the best year of my life for so many reasons.
i have met my boyfriend who i adore, i have stopped lying to myself, my family and my friends, i am doing really well financially and spiritually, and of course, i am no longer a part of a deluded and oppressive religion.. it feels so good to be free!
well done Tim! you are a trailblazer! i wish i could have your success. One day though, one day!
love and light to you
hi all.
the irish branch has had lots of drama over the years from john may in the 1980s to the recent removal of practically all the branch committee in the mid noughties to its being closed down quite recently.. i heard on the grapevine that two of the branch committee had actually come to physical blows and there was blood on the carpet.. also many many witnesses spoke of the totalitarian environment there.. does anyone have anything further to corroborate or add to this?.
it's all hearsay but i could defo imagine one of them being violent. he was very pretentious.
but there was such a weird vibe in that bethel for years....
another blood scandal..... the irish have it tough!.
hope it works out ok. .
another Blood scandal....
the irish have it tough!
hope it works out ok
hi all.
the irish branch has had lots of drama over the years from john may in the 1980s to the recent removal of practically all the branch committee in the mid noughties to its being closed down quite recently.. i heard on the grapevine that two of the branch committee had actually come to physical blows and there was blood on the carpet.. also many many witnesses spoke of the totalitarian environment there.. does anyone have anything further to corroborate or add to this?.
Tornapart, this was all the english brothers fighting.
one of those brother in particular is a disgrace. i had dealings with him a number of years and i was SICK. i was absolutely put out by him and his attitude. his wife is no better.
it makes my blood boil thinking about it.
anywho, 2 elements have contributed to the lack of "growth" in ireland
fear of church and fea of neighbour or what will the neighbours say.
hi all.
the irish branch has had lots of drama over the years from john may in the 1980s to the recent removal of practically all the branch committee in the mid noughties to its being closed down quite recently.. i heard on the grapevine that two of the branch committee had actually come to physical blows and there was blood on the carpet.. also many many witnesses spoke of the totalitarian environment there.. does anyone have anything further to corroborate or add to this?.
a lil bit of nationalism appeared at that time. some were shocked...
same Divs are running it! :-)
hi all.
the irish branch has had lots of drama over the years from john may in the 1980s to the recent removal of practically all the branch committee in the mid noughties to its being closed down quite recently.. i heard on the grapevine that two of the branch committee had actually come to physical blows and there was blood on the carpet.. also many many witnesses spoke of the totalitarian environment there.. does anyone have anything further to corroborate or add to this?.
for our American Friends, i doubt they will :-)
but what a classic!
hi all.
the irish branch has had lots of drama over the years from john may in the 1980s to the recent removal of practically all the branch committee in the mid noughties to its being closed down quite recently.. i heard on the grapevine that two of the branch committee had actually come to physical blows and there was blood on the carpet.. also many many witnesses spoke of the totalitarian environment there.. does anyone have anything further to corroborate or add to this?.
thanks Phizzy, you have a PM too :-)
it saves a lot of money Hamsterbait. they are creaming off the top....