Hi DATA-DOG, I like the idea! I just wonder how many ex-JWs celebrities want to forget about being a JW. It seems that the WTBTS's mind manipulation adversely manipulates ex-JWs long after they leave the WTBTS.
I would like to get ordinary ex-JWs just to support political change. I have not been very successful at getting large enough numbers of ex-JWs/non-JWs to become involved to influence politicians to support a bill that I wrote about in the thread Revise Tax Code to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse. The bill would not infringe on an individual's Constitutional rights, but would protect children from sexual abuse as well as prevent non-profit organizations from using or promoting undue influence to its members.
It seems that protecting children from sexual abuse is not as interesting as what Kim Kardasian is doing.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,