In the back, as close to the exit as possible!
the official wt understanding on where to park your butt during the meeting is to move around from meeting to meeting in order to get in more association or whatever but i never really saw things that way.
the kh seating arraingment at my hall went as follows;.
if you sat in the front you were really late or wanted to seem really spiritual.. the elders and pioneers always liked the same seats every meeting.. shiftless ones and those who wanted sympathy for thier back ailments would stand in the back during the talks.. ever had a sister in your hall bring in their own chair and footstool?.
In the back, as close to the exit as possible!
just wanted to say that as of tonight, i have completed my first semester of college.
it feels great.
i have met a lot of new friends, many of them great people.
oooooooh people like you are awfully hard to control!
that our thinking is far different from that of.
what really was his thinking?
Thanks Blondie,
Actually when I read what the wt is spewing out in a frenzy of damage control, it just drives me nuts. No matter how straight forward the evidence and convincing the argument ..... wt trys to plant this kind of stuff so the jdubs mind switches to the 'default' mode. So premeditated and evil!
get well
i'm not sure if the title is appropriate but i figured i'd point out some contradictions i see in jehovah's witnesses like my wife and i often ask myself why should i care when obviously she does not?
the motivation to 'fit in' with the people who you believe 'have the truth' is a strong one and facts are rendered powerless since in the end i get asked, "so what do you have that is better?
" but like morpheous on the movie, the matrix, all i have to offer is the truth.. .
Garyneal hi,
It's a bit frustrating isn't it. Wow you can tell a JW, ..but you can't tell them much!
Don't provide any resistance to what she says.
If blood transfusions are out, & only some fractions are OK to use, then ask if she would like you to drive her down to donate her blood for that. If not her, then who?
Do they wonder just how much blood must be drawn to get those fractions? How much has to be dumped? (and not on the ground!)
Try to (overly) accomodate her every jw belief. Maybe the gears will start turning.
boy she didn't know what she was walking into.
it was a wealthy (she drove a lexus and was very well dressed) middle aged woman with a younger girl.
she used the typical line this time of year asking if i knew where the origins of christmas came from.
Pr0ner hi,
"she was creating levels for sins," Nice one!
You could have just hidden behind the curtains .... but you stood up ....toe to toe!
i don't know if you lurk here (my guess would be that you do check in every once in a while), but you haven't done anything on your blog in almost a month, and you haven't been here in just as long.
i hope you're doing okay.
i hope you're handling the org, your wife, your children... and your own spirituality and sanity.
Dan was a main feature on here when I first came on. He had that bigger avatar then. I miss him.
Btw, where is Vampire, hope he is doing OK. Miss you vamp!
Everyone who comes on here is somewhat a Hero. This takes guts.
Here's to all the missing Hero's...
(sorry Tec, just had to go on a bit)
if one was to take a poll of all the registered users of this board he might be surprised by the number of people who still attend meetings and/or still go door to door.
a contributor to a recent thread, expressing worry that she is on the threshold of being outed, posited that fear is what fills the seats in the kingdom hall.
fear, not love.
The image of a very loooooonnnng line of victims being shackled together by the ankles.....staggering to keep in step, is enlightening.
Sort of explains why we are viewed with suspicion if we try to slow down and take a look at where we are going. But even more so, if we want to examine the past history of why we are walking like this.
The society sees this as affecting the guy ahead of you and the one shackled behind you. So out comes the whip! ...and threat of more punishment if you try to stop!
yeah, i hated "field circus".
i don't like bothering people on saturday mornings about the latest watchtower & awake magazines and try to convert them from their religon to become a jehovah's witness.
so, what i did was just wait until the group passes by and fake knocked.
So unbelievable isn't it............that "gods only true organization in the whole world" could claim such control, and come up with such faulty & guilt producing teachings!!!
So much so, that it's followers are bent over and broken, from the immpossible weight of them.
To survive,.... the stoop to faking and pretence has become an 'art form'!
This is so funny now, laughed my head off. Just wish I had known these 'tools of the trade' years ago.
now that all the members of the original governing body have completed their earthly course, a question popped into my mind.. i know that there was no governing body prior to 1971. before that, how was jehovah supposed to communicate with the anointed?
and, how come he decided to have a governing body, so that the new light would come to more men, instead of just the president of the watchtower?
why was a governing body not there since 1914, for example?.
Haven't you noticed the little 'slight of hand' borg manouvers. Ask any JW today who their mediator is.....and they'll say Christ. Oh nooo! went right over their collective heads in 1979 that the GB is their meditator now!!!!
Same thing with inventing a governing body in 1971. We were kept so busy, and while our attention was directed elsewhere they sprinkled fairy dust all around and bingo........we suddenly started to refer to the GB like they had always existed!!
They are experts with the fairy dust.
after either being a witness or studying with them, and you find out stuff that has you leave, where do you go?
i don't think they are the true religion, but i do think they teach a lot of stuff that is correct.
like the trinity being a false doctrine, no idle worship, including crosses, and hell isn't a forever torture.
Still looking hi, welcome to this wild & not so crazy place!
You hit the gong on every point you made!
"I think God would want something a little more uplifting. Can;t they come up with anything as pretty as Amazing Grace" AMEN!
For years I longed for the Love of Jesus to be confirmed from the platform, instead of beatings!! The churches even have a song for that ..."YES, Jesus love ME!!,for the bible tells me so". So simple, so fills my heart. Amazing Grace makes me weep!
Of course we do have that lovely little tune ..."From door to door ....lala laaala lala
Hang in there