Wow, nice one.
.."the kingdom is telling you how to spend your money!"(can't get John Williams words out of my head)
Lawlessness is right!
what is the good news of the kingdom?.
for me, the real good news of the kingdom was finding out that all of this wt propaganda is lies and that i never have to go back.
that was the best news about a kingdom that i have ever heard.
Wow, nice one.
.."the kingdom is telling you how to spend your money!"(can't get John Williams words out of my head)
Lawlessness is right!
i should have posted this earlier for assistance.
i left jw two months ago and since then my life has almost been a lifetime movie.
long story short, my soon to be ex-wife believes i am full of the world, satan, etc etc.
Bob, so sorry ....I hope the best for you too!
i should have posted this earlier for assistance.
i left jw two months ago and since then my life has almost been a lifetime movie.
long story short, my soon to be ex-wife believes i am full of the world, satan, etc etc.
Does anybody have the WBT$ quote that says "The Law prevents the WBT$ from killing apostates?".. His lawyer would have fun with that..
A little ammunition for you. Good luck.
Realize, that getting out of a cult, is apostacy from the cult.......not apostacy from God!
((The direction given in the Watchtower goes strongly against Christian examples when demanding members hate an apostate.
yesterday afternoon, right before i was about to take my wife to the kingdom hall (no, i'm not attending, haven't been in 9 months, strangely enough am still thinking of returning if it would help my marriage, but it won't), i happened to notice her opened october 15th, 2010 watchtower.
around page 25 or so, there was an article that caught my eye.
it instructed parents to teach their children to 'not act independently of the organization, even in small matters'.
Speakers name is John Williams
yesterday afternoon, right before i was about to take my wife to the kingdom hall (no, i'm not attending, haven't been in 9 months, strangely enough am still thinking of returning if it would help my marriage, but it won't), i happened to notice her opened october 15th, 2010 watchtower.
around page 25 or so, there was an article that caught my eye.
it instructed parents to teach their children to 'not act independently of the organization, even in small matters'.
After many long years experiencing the 'goings on' of this cult, I'd have to say that NOW is the most dangerous time to be in it!
They have always peppered the literature with twisted teachings .... slipping them in here and there, into the middle of an unimportant watchtower paragraph. Planning the distribution so the study of them falls at a very busy time summer assemblies. No one sees it, but hey, we can't say we weren't told ... right?
But now, hearing the 'brother' speaking at the 'special ass day', they are absolutely brazen!
"The GB Kingdom is controlling you". "The GB Kingdom is telling you how to spend your money!" bla bla. If you haven't heard that one ..take a listen.(I'll post the site later).
The stance of "no independent thinking", "follow us...following christ", "Christ is not your mediator, we are", and as SD-7 brings out, teach "the organization"! Aaahhhh ..I could go on for days. So in your face! So blatant. So dangerous.
Today, the 'baddest sin' is not murder or fornication or stealing ... in the GB's eyes it is doubting them. Doubting that they speak for god ..... and they will have every last one of you killed, if you don't believe it!! lol
my dad used to use the kettle flex on me and my 2 other brothers, and if he was a bit drunk he would just come up to our room and thump us all in our beds!!
my mom could be heard crying alot when we were growing up in the happy jw religion.
me dad was a lover of the rod as he got a good kicking when he was a kid from his dad!!
The pain on here is immense ... you can reach out and touch it.
So much empathy for you all ...& Zid I never knew...........
.."and the dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their...deeds". Rev20:12
an elder once said that a key thing they are trying to determine in a judicial committee is if the offender's "repentance level" matches the seriousness of their sin.
for example if they committed fornication that is a serious sin (an 8 or 9).
they want to see the offender showing a repentance level of 8 or 9.
Hangin On,
My repentance level would be between 0 & Brazen!!!
does it mean that all the people who die on the monday will be resurrected on wednesday, whereas those who die on the tuesday are dead forever?.
in practice, isn't this the jw belief?.
therefore, every death now, prior to the 'imminent' armageddon, is really a blessing in disguise..
Thomas Covenant hello there!
Well,... thought provoking subject this morning, kind of makes you go hmmmmmmm!
How gullable we were, to fall for this cult line of thinking.
Actually my reaction when I saw your title, was yeah... if A comes on a Tuesday then we have no place to run, 'cause they cancelled the tuesday nite book study(rendezvous) ... so we're screwed, ha ha ha ha ha ha....
when i was a couple of months old my father was put into prison in seagoville, texas.
the watchtower took him away from me for almost 2 years and destroyed almost all hope that he and i would ever have a normal relationship.
i say this because i believe the bond that we should have formed when i was a baby was severed forever and that's the damnable shame of it all.
Sooner7nc, so glad you came here.
Sad, sad words, and you know what... who knew!
This WT society has a way of boosting itself up on the backs of their followers.
"Look at us ... we are so powerful ... our followers will give even their lives, for our truth"!!!
Honestly, when I learned that young men were being sent to prison for being consciencious objectors and having no recourse to work in hospitals etc, I had no idea of the grief and hurt this was causing. We were given the idea that it was so righteous, and that gods people were so happy to 'prove satan wrong'! OMG Jahs happy people! Such crap!
So sorry that my brain was so thoroughly washed years ago! Don't you wish you could sue the pants off 'em!
Take care of yourself and your precious family.
truth is funny isn't it?
the religion that christ chose in 1919 because it had the truth, at that time had this to say................................. .
indeed, even if the transgressor refuse to hear (obey) the decision of the entire church, no punishment is to be inflicted or even attempted.
Here is a sample of what I'm wanting to do when I quote ... anybody??
Please and thank you.
For instance...
Jesus was either the biggest, fattest liar and charlatan who ever lived or he was who he said he was. There is NO middle ground here.