The watchtower loves the unforgiveable sin. Gives them one more thing to hang over the head of the masses. Don't believe in the governing body?..... omg watchout you're gonna get it! They are counting on you not being able to figure it out! Here's a some ammunition for you:
Mark comments "because they said, 'He has an unclean spirit'" (Mark 3:29-30). This shows that the sin in question is related to saying that Jesus has an unclean spirit. The people in question had seen the miraculous works of Jesus with their own eyes. Any reasonable person would have concluded that God had to be working through Jesus. Nicodemus, one of the religious leaders of Israel, affirmed that very point in John 3:2, "No one can do these signs that You do unless God is with Him." The evidence was unmistakable. This suggests that to commit the blasphemy against the Spirit a person must do four things:
1) be aware of the miraculous works of Jesus,
2) consciously reject the logical conclusion that those works are from God,
3) believe those works are actually from the devil, and
4) tell others that Jesus' works are from the devil.
There is no clear indication by the Lord Jesus in any of the passages that anyone in His day had already committed this sin which would never be forgiven. Jesus didn't say, "You are eternally condemned because you have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit."
Jesus may well have been giving a warning and not a pronouncement of sentence. It is quite possible, therefore, that this sin is not a one-time act. Jesus could be referring to those who reject him their entire lives and die in unbelief.
Wessel comments,
"Surely what Jesus is speaking of here [Mark 3:22-30] is not an isolated act but a settled condition of the soul-the result of a long history of repeated and willful acts of sin through hardness of heart (cf. 3:5)" (NIV Bible Commentary, Mark, p. 151).
Jesus is talking about a specific type of sin, saying that He did His works under the power of the devil and not the power of the Holy Spirit. It must be admitted that it is possible that the unpardoned sin is a one-time act. After all, for a person to see the works of Jesus and have the audacity to say that these miraculous works are the works of the devil suggests a hardness of heart of amazing proportions. Is it not possible that Jesus is saying that a person can become so hardened of heart that he or she will never come to faith and be forgiven? He would not be warning against saying some magical incantation that guarantees damnation. Rather, He would be warning against so hardening one's heart against Jesus that he or she crosses the point of no return.
The fact that this sin is not mentioned in the NT epistles might suggest that it couldn't have been committed after Jesus left the earth. Maybe a person had to actually see His miracles and then attribute them to Satan to commit this sin. Of course, this can't be proved. This is merely a possible conclusion. I am inclined to the view that the unpardoned sin is cosmic unbelief, calculated wholehearted rejection of Jesus and His message, culminating in a vitriolic declaration that Jesus is from the devil. I don't know whether this sin only occurs over the course of a life or if it could be committed at a point in time.
Finally a question we can answer with absolute certainty! The answer is No. No Christian can commit a sin for which there will never be forgiveness. Other Scriptures make this crystal clear.
a) [Compare Jn 5:24]:
"[Jesus said], 'Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life' "]
If a believer ever came into the judgment of eternal condemnation, Jesus would be proved a liar. Of course, He never lies. Thus no.