Looks like I also need to know how to edit my posts ... Sorry should have said FatFreek instead of Fatgreek! Geez now that sounds so mean ...maybe I ...ahhhh..
the infamous cover of that 1984 watchtower (27 years ago) was perhaps the last prediction / prophecy of the watchtower society.
will there be any more or have they finally learned their lesson?
some think they are like a race-track junkie and are addicted to predictions.
Looks like I also need to know how to edit my posts ... Sorry should have said FatFreek instead of Fatgreek! Geez now that sounds so mean ...maybe I ...ahhhh..
the infamous cover of that 1984 watchtower (27 years ago) was perhaps the last prediction / prophecy of the watchtower society.
will there be any more or have they finally learned their lesson?
some think they are like a race-track junkie and are addicted to predictions.
Fatgreek, thank you so much for this - brilliant stuff!
I'm not too savy when it comes to 'all things internet', but I would like to make copies of this Awake along with the names. Hope you don't mind.
Is there an easy way to print it off ...without printing everything else with it? Normally I just hi-lite with the mouse. ??
Also Ziddina, when you say "Marking this", would you please explain how you do that? Thank you Zid,(waving)
sleep eludes me.
she plays coy, then retreats, laughing as she looks back at me.
i vacate my disheveled bed with less than quiet resignation.
..And oh god if only my mind could just quit; from off my silent lips your name keeps repeating as though a sacred chant. The damp pillow, muffles the only weeping sound in that cold dark room, save for the odd hoot of an owl, wafting in from the broken window.
just as the title says.. .
I 'm hoping for a clickable quote on pg 29 of that awake.? Thanks anyone.
Also Heaven, in addition to your thoughts on depression, I might add that if I woke up with that bro across the breakfast table from me, my depression would be CURED! lol
Regarding the article about Depression... my recommendation is to stop reading everything produced by this cult, stop attending their meetings, and stop going out in Field Serve-Us and your depression should improve immensely
i asked the co, if the heavenly calling was closed in 1935, why is the number of anointed going up?
he simply said that the society no longer says when the heavenly calling was closed.
have they discarded the 1935 teaching?
This is what Jesus said, -
John 10: 7 - "I AM the DOOR of the sheep."
John 10: 9 - "I AM the DOOR"
Is this the DOOR that Rutherford was trying to close? Lots of luck with that!!
the garden path of decaying brick winds in serpentine fashion through a bed of roses so colorfully vibrant that i am incredulous to discover that these fashion plates have no smell.
this incongruity of beauty minus the expected trait of floral fragrance puts me off.
i am in a zone of altered reality by so simple yet unexpected an unnatural phenomenon.
CoCo ...
... still we do have this ... the memory of days well past. Here from my poor dusty attic room, the long ago sounds of home, even yet, whisper in my ears. I have lost, but no one can take them from me.
well i was thinking... kinda random stuff this morning.
there was on the news of volcano eruption in brussel and it was so cool looking.
no injuries were found but i got to see the lava and thinking how beautiful it was.
well ok, that and those darn songs and all the neighbors on all sides are jw's and they keep getting onto my acre and I get df'd for swearing at them and can't run away to the hills to get away....'cause there's just more of them up there too and no Safeway and ......no burgers! Sorry the anxiety of just thinking about it...makes me run on, well actually just makes me want to RUNNNNNNnnnnnnn! puff puffpuff
well i was thinking... kinda random stuff this morning.
there was on the news of volcano eruption in brussel and it was so cool looking.
no injuries were found but i got to see the lava and thinking how beautiful it was.
And Outlaw knocked my answer right out of me.
If jw paradise will be real.....this is probably the most realistic view.
while the whole world of christianity waits and longs for the 2nd advent of jesus because it will bring their reward.... jehovah's witness already had theirs!
they simply declared that "jesus is back!".
1914 was the date assigned.. true, jesus was invisible.. true, armageddon didn't come.. true, the world went on spinning as before.. but, 1914 was date certain and remains so.. instead, jehovah's witnesses starting treating armageddon the same way mainstream christianity treats the 2nd coming.. it's coming any minute!.
T erry, would you be so kind as to give scriptures and perhaps expound a bit more on christendoms dilema? It would be appreciated, I know the W is a fraud but need to sort out this end of it! Thanks.
i can't believe the amount of new posters this board is getting.
it seems as if every day there are at least 2 to 3.. if you are a new poster, what made you decide to stop lurking and start posting?
how many of us are there that have joined in the last year?.
I lurked for about 6 months, and then came on Aug 2010.