Awake! July 2009 No one should be made to choose between their beliefs and family
by Awen 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Cute accent too...kind of a mix between Australia and New York...
Snoozy, who thinks that any being shunned by the witnesses should copy that article and highlight that paragraph and mail it to them...
Cute accent too...kind of a mix between Australia and New York...
His accent ain't the only thing that's cute! I
This article only applies to people who are being recruited into the Watchtower cult. As our cute presenter pointed out ... it doesn't work the other way around.
Regarding the article about Depression... my recommendation is to stop reading everything produced by this cult, stop attending their meetings, and stop going out in Field Serve-Us and your depression should improve immensely.
I agree, what a cutie!!
I think I've got that magazine in a box somewhere, I must dig it out. Mom always leaves the latest mags behind when she comes to visit and I keep them for research .
The blatant double standards regarding rules that apply to JWs as apposed to other religions is breathtaking!!
I can remember laughing to myself when I first that picture of a poor JW sister looking so down and unhappy and thinking exactly the same things Heaven said! The weight lifted off my shoulders the day I walked out of the KH for the last time and started to actually enjoy life!
Mouthy linked another similar video on this article last year.
the GB are hypocrites.
WOW!! I am speachless right now......just WOW!!
“No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.”
The org is talking out of two sides of their mouth on this one. Lets fill in the missing message that the public doesn't understand.
No one should be forced (by false religion, meaning any religion NOT JWs) to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable (again, false religion, NOT JWs) or be made to choose (JWs of course aren't 'forced' to join, nevermind if you're born in and leave that you'll lose family, inheritance, friends, etc) between his beliefs and his family. (of course remember if someone leaves JWs, THEY are the ones who left, THEY changed that relationship, NOT the faithful JW)
Ugh, thinking about this is making me sick to my stomach.
Translation: Everyone should become a JW and agree wholeheartedly with whatever the WTS prints.
That will solve all the world's problems...
I 'm hoping for a clickable quote on pg 29 of that awake.? Thanks anyone.
Also Heaven, in addition to your thoughts on depression, I might add that if I woke up with that bro across the breakfast table from me, my depression would be CURED! lol
Regarding the article about Depression... my recommendation is to stop reading everything produced by this cult, stop attending their meetings, and stop going out in Field Serve-Us and your depression should improve immensely