One of my cousins, when she was 3 years old, was given a toy. It was a little cutesy looking dinosaur made for toddlers that you pull by a string. She screamed when she saw it.
Similarly I bought a crawling mini-mouse toy for my god-daughter. She was nearly one-year-old. She cried and screamed. However other children love the mini-mouse on first sight.
When my god-daughter turned 3 I gave her this game called Elefun for her birthday - it is a plastic baby elephant with a nose that spurts out butterflies and children try to catch the butterflies with little nets before they fall to the ground. My mother said it would be a great gift because she has seen a few children receive this and play with it right away: it is a hit. I get her the game at a party for her and again: she is a scardey cat and freaks. Other children her age and a little older love it and start to play. This didn't change her desire to play, even after seeing it was harmless and the children were laughing and enjoying it she continued to stay away.
Here is the scary Elefun
Thankfully she isn't scared of everything and she loved a furry rocking horse I gave her that she can ride and plays music when you press it's ear.
Similarly one of my girl friends has toddlers who will not eat anything but pizza, french fries, and a few other items... I'm sure (at least I hope) her boys grow in their tastes, however another girl friend of mine also has toddlers and her boys will eat anything. My cousin that I mentioned earlier said when she was 5 years old her favorite foods were salad and steak. Now some of this is because of what they are exposed to (nurture) and some tastes are inherited (nature) --- but even then... some of this doesn't make sense: especially when the differences are in siblings.
Twin studies are fascinating to me because they do tend to have similar tastes and lead similar lifestyles... maybe it is nothing more then nature and nurture... and on the other hand: why be scared of a cute toy dino? because it is green? or of a toy baby elephant in a soothing blue with little floating butterflies? Do those instincts come from our caveman ancestors? Was it fight of flight against small blue animals?
I may like to hear you sing if you have a good voice... for music there are songs or genres of music the more I listened the more I appreciated them... adversely there have been songs I have grown tired of if I hear them too much. I used to always have the radio on in my car. Sometimes, as of this last year or two, I find that I prefer to drive in silence.
If everyone likes something because everyone else likes it then how do the fads get started? If things are popular who made them popular? Why would the person who first enjoyed a song or fashion or art enjoy it? Why do people create and compose songs and paint pictures and tell stories? What makes some things take off and other flop?