I could count on one hand the number of people that I watched get baptized as honest-to-goodness, pure, cold-call converts. Even the handful I knew who were contacted door-to-door had believing relatives who had sort of softened them up before anyone came to their door. I can only think of one person who had no JW relatives and was discovered door-to-door.
JoinedPosts by Fencing
Publisher Statistics
by lurkernomore ini was watching a couple videos on youtube earlier and always like to peruse the comments at the bottom of the page.. i'm no sure if this has been discussed recently, but one indivdual made the claim that the societies numbers are massively over inflated, as he/she believes that they include inactive, df'd and da'd in their figures.. does anyone have any information to confirm this or i this just another assumption made without evidence?.
(also has anyone heard from witnessmyfury lately?
i had a pm chat with him a few days ago but not had a reply to my latest msgs.
The Watchtower 11/15/2014
by wifibandit inhttp://bayfiles.net/file/1jpu5/qhxxxl/w_e20141115.pdf.
select "premium download".
(thanks breakfast of champions).
Makes me wonder if the GB has a luxury bunker somewhere.
That's assuming the GB actually believe deeply enough to think they'll need a bunker. I have some doubts that they drink their own koolaid to that degree.
More JW bragging about the Landover, MD. convention. Please have barf bag at the ready before reading
by AndDontCallMeShirley inthe following e-mail is circulating among jws about the international convention at fedex stadium in landover, md.
note the all-too-familiar jw claims: everything they do (including the simple act of parking cars) is proof of jehovah'stm blessing, and everything wt did at the convention was the fastest, greatest, best ever.
oh, and the never-fails-to-get-mentioned alleged 'persecution'/resistance from some unnamed authority who tried to get in watchtower's way and hamper the effort...but jws prevailed anyway (as always):.
According to ESPN, the Redskins (who play at FedEx Field) had an average attendance last season of almost 78,000.
Trademark office rejects Watchtower's application for "JW.Org" logo
by AndDontCallMeShirley inhttp://tsdr.uspto.gov/#casenumber=85896124&casetype=serial_no&searchtype=statussearch.
even though watchtower's application has been rejected, they will be allowed to use the logo because it is for religious usage and will not be confused with commercial products.. the trademark office did note this:.
indeed, numerous other marks are registered reflecting the letters j and w:.
Janitor's World is the most apt description of the composition of the average congregation that I have ever heard.
DF'd for Blood Transfusion
by lambsbottom inso, what is the discipline, if any for a blood transfusion?.
As I recall, it used to be you were disfellowshipped for it - Judicial Comittee and all. Then, they got in trouble with a court in Europe, and magically it changed to claiming that the person who accepted the transfusion "disassociated" themselves by their actions. The end result is exactly the same, but they can now point to the rules when they get sued and say, "See, we don't take punititive action against our members for accepting blood; they choose to leave on their own accord."
org is dying
by lambsbottom ini don't understand why so many ex jws and faders think that the jws will continue to grow and thrive as a religion.
i still attend a meeting once a week and you can smell the death of the religion creeping up when you hear the talks, read the study wts and hear the letters from the gb.
the way the organization has changed is a sign that it reached its peak (in "healthy" membership) long ago.
They can't remove shunning without simultaneously going totally mainstream in their belief system. Disfellowshipping is what keeps everyone in line and following all the rules. Without that effective threat of punishment, the whole thing collapses. You keep all the crazy rules and take away the threat of losing your entire social structure, and there's no reason for anyone to do anything the GB says anymore.
What is the Watchtower's(R) Objective with the APATHY TROLLEY(CART)?
by punkofnice ini wefer to my pwevious fred http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/280829/2/i-saw-a-trolley-cart-to-you-cousins-in-the-u-s-a.
if the wbt$ is losing money and drones then why so much apathy surrounding the trolley/cart?.
why are they not being more pro-active with this 'urgent, never to be repeated work(tm)?'.
I would venture a guess that's it more to renforce things in the minds of the faithful, than for any public "preaching" effort. Already in my network of active witnesses, they're all riled up and excited about how this new method of preaching is proof that "Jehovah is speeding things up."
It's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, nothing more.
Have the DO changes been announced in the congregations yet?
by Fencing ini believe the renaming of the district conventions has already been officially announced, correct?
how about this latest change regarding dos?.
I believe the renaming of the District Conventions has already been officially announced, correct? How about this latest change regarding DOs?
What happened to Lars58 and many other Bible Scholars?
by RottenRiley in.
i miss seeing lars postings and his bible interpretations, did he get re-instated?.
The problem with Lars is that it was impossible to have a good, valuable thread going here about 607 BCE without him immediately jumping in and posting 30,000 word replies filled with insane rantings and nonsense, which would throw the whole discussion off into fantasy land because some people just couldn't resist treating his arguments as serious and engaging with him. Which would spawn additional 30,000 word replies of nonsense and render the thread unreadable. And this literally happened with EVERY THREAD that dealt with WT dates and discussions thereof.
What's the next big organizational change you predict could happen?
by Island Man inyadda yadda 2 predicted a change in the bookstudy arrangement.
what future changes do you predict could/would happen?.
The 144,000 will be changed to a symbolic number. They've already manuvered all the pieces into place to make this change. The "sealing" was no longer completed in 1935 and they've removed any trace of the day-to-day anointed being anywhere in the chain of command of the WTB&TS. Give it a few years, and they can finally put to rest one of the more bizarre and weak doctrines (12 symbolic Israelite tribes of 12,000 symbolic Israelites somehow equals 144,000 literal people?) that the Bible Students came up with.