yadda yadda 2 predicted a change in the bookstudy arrangement. What future changes do you predict could/would happen?
What's the next big organizational change you predict could happen?
by Island Man 19 Replies latest jw friends
Watchtower will distance itself from the name "Jehovah's Witnesses".
Rutherford, after too many failed prophecies, scandal and ridiculousness, changed the name from "International Bible Students Association" (IBSA) to "Jehovah's Witnesses" to get away from the organization's checkered past.
The organization has accumulated 82 years of absurdities since then, and another change is due. Just look at the WT's new marketing label: "JW.Org".
Just like most Mormons refer to themselves as "LDS", Jehovah's Witnesses will simply call themselves "JWs" or maybe "Bible Students".
Look at the backing off from the definite meaning of "Jehovah" that WT has recently published- leaving room for interpretation of god's name is the first step toward further changes in the organization's moniker:
"Draw Close To Jehovah" book:
Book version quote - "Jehovah" literally means "He Causes to Become".
NEW VERSION - "Jehovah" is understood to mean "He Causes to Become".
Maybe discontinuing the use of outside facilities for district conventions. A lot of congregations are already meeting at their circuit assembly halls for district conventions, so this is not a difficult prediction to make. Accompanying anti-prediction: Circuit assemblies will NOT be replaced by speakers and streamed video at the local Kingdom Halls, as the Society needs the CAs for that sweet "covering their expenses" moolah.
To make this more interesting, I'll go out way further on the limb for another suggestion in about three years' time: the announcement of the opening of a JW university program, conducted online, to supply that pesky higher education that some people keep going on about. With JW instructors and no dormitories where students can get up to funny business, it's a safe alternative to worldly colleges once your kid graduates from home schooling.
dazed but not confused
Making blood transfusions a “conscience decision”. Maybe within the next 5 to 7 years.
..................................................In WatchTower World..
..................................The WBT$ GB Rock Star Popes will become..
..................................................Even Bigger Celebrities..
To reduce costs, the Circuit Overseer will become virtual.
Meetings will be held over the internet. An app will be provided for each visit.
If publishers have a question they can hit the chat button on their phones.
Rub a Dub
The RF will be able to pray in Jesus name, he will be the
mediator for all, also one meeting a week.
Pete Zahut
1. As was done with the word "Generation", they will change the meaning of the word "Abstain" claiming that in Hebrew, the word abstain can also mean to "Hold in" as well as to "refrain from". Therefore the use of blood to "hold in" ones life force during a medical emergency, evidently wouldn't be breaking God's law.
2. To avoid the problem of identity theft,bounced checks,declined credit cards and "missing" donations, they will start using Pay-Pal at the Kingdom Halls and Conventions.
3. Sisters can wear pants to the meeting provided they also wear a headcovering and out in service so long as they wear them under a dress.
Pay-Pal , LOL
The 144,000 will be changed to a symbolic number. They've already manuvered all the pieces into place to make this change. The "sealing" was no longer completed in 1935 and they've removed any trace of the day-to-day anointed being anywhere in the chain of command of the WTB&TS. Give it a few years, and they can finally put to rest one of the more bizarre and weak doctrines (12 symbolic Israelite tribes of 12,000 symbolic Israelites somehow equals 144,000 literal people?) that the Bible Students came up with.