Indian Larry> I too can recall the countless meetings with the elders as a teenager. I wasn't baptized so it was always one of those 'we're concerned about you' type meetings. Wasn't really a big part of my life and by no means was I endorsing (nor condemning) the use of huge joint in order to experience any divine entity. But a picture is worth a thousand words...brevity - I'm a big fan of it.
I get your point about lurkers as well. I think most adults can filter out what they want to see. But your point is taken.
That being said, the whole notion of 'feeling or hearing' an impersonal, indifferent entity that has no instantiation in reality is, to me, like trying to instantiate into reality the floating teapot now circling the earth. The 'keep knocking' and having people tell you that you are not 'hearing' correctly or you're not 'listening' correctly is not insightful nor helpful as all the teapot wants is a cup to pour tea into. - Cheers