I suppose the numbers of JWs who are inactive can't come close to matching the number of inactives in the Mormon church. Currently boasting of almost 14 million members worldwide, yet a whopping 70% of these are inactive, or have left the faith altogether for another church or no church at all. Yes, only about 5 million Mormons worldwide are actively participating in their faith, yet the LDS church continues to count ALL members on their rolls, regardless if the person hasn't been to a service in the past ten years, they're still counted as members UNLESS they've requested to have their names removed from the rolls, and effectively excommunicated themselves from the list. It's strange that in the past decade, the number of Mormon missionaries serving missions hasn't changed at all, it's been averaging around 52,000 since 1997, and hasn't gone up at all. Yes, it appears that Mormonism is also suffering from internal hemmoraging, just as the JW religion is doing, all the while claiming that 'all is well in Zion' but when the truth that the American Indians are not related to the Jews came out, instead of confessing that the Book of Mormon was a falsehood, they just updated the Intro to it to reflect a small change in doctrine, whereas the old Intro used to say that the Lamanites were the PRINCIPLE ancestors of the American Indians, it now reads that they were 'among' the principle ancestors of the American Indians. Slight change, most members of the LDS church didn't even notice.
JoinedPosts by witnessofjesus
Up-to-date numbers of JWs and DF ones?
by Pams girl injust curious if anyone has up to date numbers of worldwide active jws?
are there more that have left than are currently in?
they bang on about growth in numbers, but after reading the wtbs numbers heading towards 8 million, other threads have suggested its more like just over 7 million.. also being a newbie, and isolated due to illness, can anyone tell me about china and the work thats not happening.
Up-to-date numbers of JWs and DF ones?
by Pams girl injust curious if anyone has up to date numbers of worldwide active jws?
are there more that have left than are currently in?
they bang on about growth in numbers, but after reading the wtbs numbers heading towards 8 million, other threads have suggested its more like just over 7 million.. also being a newbie, and isolated due to illness, can anyone tell me about china and the work thats not happening.
Sounds like all of you need to read Martin Zenders' book entitled, "How to Quit Church WITHOUT quitting God: 7 good reasons to escape the box" Check it out at http://www.martinzender.com/books/Cover_enlarged.htm
Also, watch Martin's Crack O' Dawn report discussing the subject, "Satan Lives in Churches, not Strip Clubs", you can watch it online at http://www.martinzender.com/crack_o_dawn/satan_lives_in_churches.htm
Enjoy the FREEDOM of being FREE to love God for Being God and not because you were pressured into some mold...
When did the "other sheep" class begin to form?
by Vanderhoven7 inis there anything in wts literature as to which century the alleged non-anointed class of the wts began to form?.
i thought it was early on in the 20th century.. am i wrong?.
All of the old WT articles are available online, just Google "Bible Students" and follow the links.
I don't understand life or the universe
by Decided ini'm 75 years old and am confused about life and god.
all explainations seem made up by some religious person or some written book that doesn't make any sense to me.
why doesn't a god just let us know that he exist in some way that all people could understand.
Mr. I Don't Know,
For answers to your questions, I invite you to visit us online at http://www.mormon.org to learn more about God, our Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ.
There are answers to your questions, you just have to know where to look for them at. You're invited to 'taste and see' that the Lord is good, and to have Him speak to your personally. I testify to you that if you do, that God will speak to you personally, and that you can come to not just know about Him, as many do, but to know Him personally and to not just believe that He lives, but to know it for yourself.
Your friendly neighbors,
The Mormons
My JW Neighbor Died
by Farkel ini posted some time ago about my jw neighbor and how my other neighbors mowed her yard as a courtesy.
she was old and wheel-chair bound and they were good samaritans.
they were not dubs.
My neighbor is an ex-JW, and I would often visit his home and mow his yard for him, out of the pure love of Christ that I have for him and out of a sincere desire to serve him and our awesome God!
Please visit us online at http://www.lds.org or at http://www.mormon.org
Your friends, the Mormons...
New Information On Blood?
by EmptyInside ini've overheard from a couple of elders,that they are going to be getting some new information on the blood issue.
now,i understand in the witness world,this could all be much ado about nothing.
but, does anyone know what this info could be?.
Do you have the new Elder's manual?
It's available here: www.msucity.ru/upload/files/3764/2010_ks10-E.pdf
I find it sad that the Watchtower has resorted to ruining peoples lives by telling them to NOT go to college and get a good education, but to rather spend their time in the pioneer work for the 'days are shortened', or 'the time is reduced.' It seems to me that their concept of God's Justice is JUST-US, and not JUSTICE, which is the foundation of God's throne. My wife and I have been studying with the JWs for the past eight months, but I just could not deny that Jesus was worshipped in the New Testament, and that He is in fact, God become man to die for our sins, yours and mine. Yes, after considering Matthew 14:33 and Hebrews 1:6, I could not deny the fact that Jesus was worshipped, and He didn't forbid those who 'clasped His feet' from so worshipping Him. The JW NWT may have changed the word to 'obesience' to obscure the meaning of these passages, but their own 1971 edition of the NWT in Hebrews 1:6 has the word 'worship' in it and I recently showed this to an elder, and he was surprised to see this with his own eyes at the Kingdom Hall. Yes, true are the words of Mosiah when he stated, that "
Mosiah 3:17
And moreover, I say unto you, that there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent ."
- Acts 4:12 agrees with this inspired scripture showing that Christ is the ONLY WAY, the ONLY NAME whereby we 'must get saved', so if Jesus Christ is the ONLY NAME we need to 'get saved', why use the name Jehovah? Jesus is our Ransomer, He is the One who will save us, and not we ourselves.
Yes, true to the words of Mosiah, a Book of Mormon prophet, are the following words of this sacred volume of the New World:
Mosiah 3:5
For behold, the time cometh, and is not far distant, that with power, the Lord Omnipotent who reigneth, who was, and is from all eternity to all eternity, shall come down from heaven among the children of men, and shall dwell in a tabernacle of clay, and shall go forth amongst men, working mighty miracles, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, causing the lame to walk, the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear, and curing all manner of diseases.
Yes, Jesus fulfilled this prophecy, and He did indeed 'come down from heaven' and dwelt in a 'tabernacle of clay' or a human body. I am so grateful for the Atoning power of Jesus Christ, and His shed blood that paved the way for me to return back to my Heavenly Father someday. I'm so grateful for the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the prophet Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon that the Lord used him to bring forth unto the nations, yes, I'm so grateful that our Church, the one we almost left for the false WT religion, promotes higher education, and encourages us to read books other than those published by our own Church authorities, and to gather knowledge from all corners of the world. Yes, I'm sure many of you here may deride or mock the Mormons, for we are a people far different than the JWs of the WT, but we affirm with the rest of Christianity that Jesus is indeed the Lord Omnipotent and God Himself, a member of the Godhead.
A marked difference between the JW faith and the LDS faith is the encouragment we receive to get a higher education, we're encouraged to do this by our living prophet and apostles and by the words of modern-day scripture, such as those that follow:
Doctrine and Covenants 90:15
And set in order the churches, and study and learn, and become acquainted with all good books , and with languages, tongues, and people.
Doctrine and Covenants 88:118
And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.
Doctrine and Covenants 109:14
And do thou grant, Holy Father, that all those who shall worship in this house may be taught words of wisdom out of the best books , and that they may seek learning even by study, and also by faith, as thou hast said;
Proverbs 18:15
The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge ; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge .
Doctrine and Covenants 121:42
By kindness, and pure knowledge , which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile—
- Doctrine and Covenants 130:18, 19
18 Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.
19 And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.
Yes, my friends on this board, thank you for all the vital information you've shared with me and my family these past eight months, we've been faithful attenders at all the meetings of the JWs here in Japan, but we must make our departure here. We cannot deny the God Who bought us with His own Blood, the Savior of the World, the Redeemer of mankind, the Light of the World, the Great I Am, the Son of God, the Great Jehovah Himself for a religion that teaches that education is NOT important, and for one that has relagated Jesus to the position of a mere mortal. We invite each of you, as you make your way out of the Watch Tower religion, to investigate our faith, the Mormon faith, we're a friendly people, we are in this world, but we are no part of it: We know who we are, where we came from and where we're going, and we don't use scare tactics like the JWs use Armageddon to beat you into submission, or the churches who use 'hellfire' to scare the sinner to the alter, we preach the Love of Christ and we invite all men to 'come unto Him' and be perfected IN Him. Yes, we believe the canon of Scripture to be OPEN, that the Heavens are OPEN again, God is speaking to men again through living prophets and apostles, and we invite all to request a free copy of the Book of Mormon, and the Bible if they wish, and a copy of the Holy Bible, and we'll gladly have our missionaries deliver a copy of it to your home for free. Visit us online at http://www.mormon.org
Your friendly neighbors,
The Mormons
Goodies from the August SE, QFR
by elderelite ina few hypocritical goodies from said study edition, questions from readers, which starts on page 6. the article goes to great lenghts to point out that people in pre christian times were forgiven of their sins based on the sacrifice of the christ, which had not yet taken place.
fair enough.
the article explains that, in jehovah's eyes, the ransom was as good as done so it could be applied even though it was not yet paid.... ok... so if a married couple becomes intamite on the night before their wedding should we still form a jc?
What lame reasoning you people have given here against Jehovah's chosen ones. You're all just blinded by your own self-interest and self-seeking ways to even see that you've 'abandoned' the faith and are now in a course in opposition to Jehovah and his visible earthly organization. How sad ineed is your lot!
Whole congregation leaves...
by cyberjesus incan you please mention some examples of whole congregations leaving the wt?
i just saw a post of a congregation leaving in sicily in 1988, the 4 elders and 70 members.
That is very sad that an entire congregation of Jehovah's people would just 'walk out' on the Society. I rarely post here because most of YOU here are very negative about the WTB&TS and I for one, do indeed appreciate their hard work in producing the 'spiritual food at the proper time' that has been noursing to my soul, and those of my family. If you want to leave, then do so, but why slander those whom Jehovah has appointed to 'take the lead among us'? As a former Mormon elder for the past 14 years, I left the LDS church without much fanfare. They could excommunicate me for apostacy if they wish, but we've already submitted our letters resigning so they cannot 'legally' excommunicate us because we've already quit.
Letter from an anointed reader who DA'd after 33 years
by Dogpatch indear randy, early this year i requested disassociation from the org and have been meaning to publish some sort of statement.
i was a member for over 33 years and partook of the emblems.
being an older widow it took some deliberation and guts to make the move but am currently very happy with the change.
Apostasy “in Later Periods of Time”
7 The apostasy that was “already at work” while some of Christ’s apostles were still alive became prolific “in later periods of time,” that is, after their death. The five telltale signs became increasingly apparent from the second century on and reached a climax in the fourth century. This mass apostasy was due to occur before the “presence of our Lord Jesus Christ” and “the day of Jehovah.”—2 Thess. 2:1-12.
8 But other scriptures make it clear that even during “the last days” of the present system of things, cases of apostasy would occur within the true Christian congregation. The apostle Peter wrote:
“In the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: ‘Where is this promised presence of his?’ . . . You, therefore, beloved ones, having this advance knowledge, be on your guard that you may not be led away with them by the error of the law-defying people and fall from your own steadfastness.”—2 Pet. 3:3, 4, 17.
9 Peter was not merely warning his brothers against “ridiculers” and “law-defying people” in the world. Christians have always been well aware of danger from that quarter. Peter was also speaking of the danger of being “led away” by some within the Christian congregation who would become “ridiculers,” making light of the fulfillment of prophecies concerning Christ’s “presence” and adopting a law-defying attitude toward “the faithful and discreet slave,” the Governing Body of the Christian congregation and the appointed elders.