Can you please mention some examples of whole congregations leaving the WT? I just saw a post of a congregation leaving in Sicily in 1988, the 4 elders and 70 members.
Whole congregation leaves...
by cyberjesus 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals
White Dove
I wonder if they left to start their own little cult. Need to read up on it.
Here's the thread. The video's been translated.
That is very sad that an entire congregation of Jehovah's people would just 'walk out' on the Society. I rarely post here because most of YOU here are very negative about the WTB&TS and I for one, do indeed appreciate their hard work in producing the 'spiritual food at the proper time' that has been noursing to my soul, and those of my family. If you want to leave, then do so, but why slander those whom Jehovah has appointed to 'take the lead among us'? As a former Mormon elder for the past 14 years, I left the LDS church without much fanfare. They could excommunicate me for apostacy if they wish, but we've already submitted our letters resigning so they cannot 'legally' excommunicate us because we've already quit.
White Dove
What made you quit the Mormons?
The WTS wouldn't like your user name on here.
Have you checked out any of the WTS' failed prophecies of the end referred to in various threads or what the organization was teaching in 1918-1919 when Jesus allegedly examined the organization and found it to be the faithful and discreet slave?
Doesn't any of that trouble you?
IMO, it puts the WTBTS' claims to be God's organization on a par with Joseph Smith's claim that Moroni showed him the golden plates.
I'm interested in your views on this.
His user name suggests that he hasn't checked out anything concerning the WTS or what they believe in
White Dove
Yeah, Wasblind, seems like it to me, too.
Of course, he's more than welcome here. The more the merrier.
It's just a strange user name for someone who knows that it's wrong to witness for Jesus instead of Jehovah.
Jehovah is everything but Jesus is like his vice president, not worth much anymore.
The elders would probably want to talk to this one.
when jim penton left his congregation in Edmonton ALberta, in Lethbridge if my memory is right it was about 50-70 ppl that left.......The italian congregation that left the JWs leaves me speechless. I wish this was widely known among the rest of the italian JWs....they would definitely be affected...
White Dove
When I was a teenager to 20 something year old, I heard of an entire congregation leaving.
I wanted to know why, but accepted the reason given that the elders had gone bad.
Not much critical thinking, was it? Hahaha
I didn't give it another thought.