If the elders book is really available could someone respond to my request. I would like a copy. I stepped down in feb 2010. There has been much talk and the was stated many links removed do to wts. would some one help me out, PM or whatever. Thanks in advance
JoinedPosts by TheLoveDoctor
elder book
by TheLoveDoctor inif the elders book is really available could someone respond to my request.
i would like a copy.
i stepped down in feb 2010. there has been much talk and the was stated many links removed do to wts.
Some Confusion - What is this site in regards to JW?
by Green Jade ini seem to have a bit of confusion concerning the purpose of this website and the people in it.
perhaps i am not computer savvy and do not understand some of the expressions used.
could someone comment and help clarify.. .
The avatar to the left is randomly assigned and not to be taken as areflection of your personality. If you hate it, then change it at www.gravatar.com (i think)
omment on these paragraphs from the dec wt
by TheLoveDoctor incomment on these paragraphs from the dec wt study february 14-20. r. .
eap blessings through.
blessing, keep listening to his voice.
comment on these paragraphs from the dec wt
study February 14-20
Through Christ, Bless Yourself!
Jehovah told Abraham: “By means of
your seed all nations of the earth will certainly
bless themselves due to the fact that
youhave listened tomy voice.” (Gen.22:18)
This implies that appreciative ones can confidently
look forward to the blessings the
Messianic Seed will bring. And they actively
serve todaywith those blessings inmind.
To Abraham’s fleshly seed, the nation
of Israel, God once said: “All these blessings
[set out in the Law covenant] must come
upon you and overtake you, because you
keep listening to the voice of Jehovah your
God.” (Deut. 28:2) The same can be said to
God’s servants today. If you desire Jehovah’s
blessing, “keep listening” to his voice. Then
his blessings “must come upon you and
overtake you.” What, though, does “listening”
Listening certainly includes taking to
heart what is said in God’s Word and the
spiritual food that he provides. (Matt. 24:
45) It also means obeying God and his Son.
Jesus said: “Not everyone saying to me,
‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of
the heavens, but the one
doing the will of my
who is in the heavens will.” (Matt. 7:
16. Genesis 22:18 implies what about God’s blessing?
17, 18. What promise of Jehovah do we read at
Deuteronomy 28:2, and what does it mean for us?
What Did You Learn From . . .
Isaiah 11:1-5?
Mark 1:40, 41?
Acts 10:42?
Genesis 22:18?
DECEMBER 15, 2010
21) And listening to God means willingly
submitting oneself to the arrangement he
has set in place, the Christian congregation
withappointed elders, “gifts inmen.”—Eph.
Among those “gifts in men” are the
members of theGoverning Body,who act in
a representative way for the entire Christian
congregation. (Acts 15:2, 6) In fact, our attitude
toward Christ’s spiritual brothers is a
major factor that will determine how we
will be judged during the coming great tribulation.
(Matt. 25:34-40) Thus, one aspect of
the way we gain a blessing is by giving our
loyal support to God’s anointed ones.
The “gifts in men” also include members
of Branch Committees, traveling over-
19. Howcanwe be in line for a blessing?
20. (a) What is a key responsibility of the “gifts in
men”? (b) How can we show that we appreciate
these brothers?
seers, and congregation elders—all ofwhom
have been appointed by holy spirit. (Acts 20:
28) These brothers’ primary responsibility
is to build up God’s people “until . . . all attain
to the oneness in the faith and in the
accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to a
full-grown man, to the measure of stature
that belongs to the fullness of the Christ.”
(Eph. 4:13) Granted, like the rest of us, they
are imperfect. Still, we bless ourselves when
we respond appreciatively to their loving
Soon Christ will act against Satan’s
relatively new
by TheLoveDoctor instepped down in feb 2010 official around april.
i had time to read books which never really liked to read.
however if the subject intrest me thats diffrent.
jehovahs-witnesses.net, culthelp.info, Randywallters.org, jwfacts.com, governingbodyletters.blogspot, sixscreensofthewatchtower.com, truthhistory.blogspot, jwbrothers.org, wtjournal.livejournal.com, christianwittnesses.com, pitn.net, singanewsong.com, jehovahs-witness.net
I read ....concept, another book by randy wallters on the history from russle to present, and one on mindcontrol
and I continue to stay informed. Just not sure how to break totaly free, though my mind is already.
some who have talked about the new songs might find this interesting/funny
by booby indear friends,.
the first song for this week's watchtower study is song #46. it's an old "familiar" one (song #33 in the "sing praises to jehovah" songbook) - of course with new words.
and since it starts out so familiar we at our meeting today sang it from the bottom of our hearts - just as we used to.
the new songs suck, slow and people dont like change never mind when you take something away they enjoy like many of the songs removed
Beer Drinkers, Why Do You Drink Beer?
by White Dove infor me, it's the complex carbohydrates that when drunk with pizza, provides unmatched nutrition.
i drink harp, smithwick's, and guinness.. how about you?.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4a6I1bJtBg this is good
Beer Drinkers, Why Do You Drink Beer?
by White Dove infor me, it's the complex carbohydrates that when drunk with pizza, provides unmatched nutrition.
i drink harp, smithwick's, and guinness.. how about you?.
blue moon, guiness, george killians, honey brown. I like smooth beer no aftertast and cant remember a cheep beer i liked. I drink for the tast