Yes! But even more worried about the coming persecution of JW's during the GT. I remember talks in the hall about the persecution witnesses faced in Nazi Germany and we were told it was very likely we would be facing that again- but here in the USA! I was told no witness would escape severe tests and trials because the GT would be so horrible even the chosen ones would not survive it if not for it being cut short on their account.
I was worried my family would be destroyed at Armageddon. And the talks at CA's made me feel I was not faithful or zealous enough so I would not survive Armageddon. They kept saying if you did not pioneer you were not faithful enough or love Jehovah enough and would not make it through Armageddon. Except for being an aux pio each month during most of 1980-81, I did not want to pioneer.
So yes- I did have a fear of being destroyed at Armageddon.
My brother on the other hand was sure he would just sail right through it . He still believes he is righteous enough and does not have to worry about it!