what is btt?
How do you quote from someone's post? Thanks!
what is btt?
How do you quote from someone's post? Thanks!
been thinking about this and curious about what makes us all come to the decisions we came to in our fade/exiting the jw organization.. i think for myself having been born-in & raised a jw my doubts about the generation doctrine had simmered for years within me quietly and by the time i finally left in 2003 i had reached my breaking point.
also seeing unjust treatment of rank & file witness ( myself included ) just propelled me into my decision even quicker.
so - one day after meeting with 3 elders in a back room before a meeting and seeing their judgmental aggression towards me - i just told myself " enough is enough ".
@Flipper- thank you my friend!
since it has been brought up a few time, i though it cool to post this interpretation of this part of genesis 2:.
one issue that occupied the attention of many early interpreters is found in genesis 2:16-17, where god warns not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat of it you shall die.. the problem is well known: adam (and eve) did eat of the fruit, but they did not die on that day.
@notverylikely- regarding Adam's living forever: it is implied that Adam was intended to live forever in that Jehovah warned him he would absolutly die IF he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. Would not the warning he would die IF he ate from that tree indicate that he would only die if he did so?
It seems the warning would be meaningless if Adam was going to die anyway.
Since animals always die, Adam was very well aware of this. He saw it.
What if Adam had not sinned? He would not have died since death was the punishment for sin. Thus he would have lived forever.
i just finished reading the 9/15/2010 wt study edition article for nov 8-14, and the last few sentences of paragraph 7 on page 18 jumped out at me.
referring to the "one association" which i assume means the jw organization, the author says "... where else can we turn?
nowhere else can we hear the sayings of everlasting life.
Hi InterestedOne! Welcome!
The posts here have been great!
I can't believe that 1943 WT article. So Jesus was setting the actual requirements for everyone, hours, rvs and studies? Did Jesus personally go to Bethel and give these directives to the GB? I guess he must have! And I guess he kept changing his mind on these requirements as the years went on?
If only I had all of this information back in 1976 when I first began studying with the witnesses.
Yes, JWs believe only they have the truth. Only they have "the Faithful and Discreet Slave". Only they make Jehovah's name known worldwide. Only they preach the "good news of God's kingdom" worldwide in fulfillment of Matt. 24:14. Only they have the massive publishing/printing and teaching organization that can carry out Jesus' commands. No-one else is doing this, they MUST be the true religion then.
And don't forget too, interestedone, Jehovah's Witnesses believe and teach that Satan controls all sources of information EXCEPT for the WTS which is directed by God's Holy Spirit. The media, including the internet, and THIS website are all under the control of Satan.
I am surprised they withheld books from you. When I started attending at the KH I was asked if I was going to come regularly. I said I guess so and was given a copy of Our Kingdom Service. Back then most books contained listings of other books available so I obtained all that I could that was available.
But what scriptures do they provide to prove they have the authority that they claim to have? Good question! They just show Matt.24:45-47 about the F&DS and Matt.24:14 and 28:19, 20 and point out that only THEY are the ones doing this work so that proves they are the F&DS !
since it has been brought up a few time, i though it cool to post this interpretation of this part of genesis 2:.
one issue that occupied the attention of many early interpreters is found in genesis 2:16-17, where god warns not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat of it you shall die.. the problem is well known: adam (and eve) did eat of the fruit, but they did not die on that day.
It seems to me that Adam was dead in God's eyes on the day that he disobeyed and ate the fruit. From then on nothing Adam did would change the fact that he had no future- he threw it away. He was already as good as dead to Jehovah no matter how many more literal years he lived on for.
And he died within that 1000 year day. But again it did not matter to Jehovah for Jehovah knew that now Adam would definatly die, whereas before he sinned God intended to have Adam live on forever.
Also since the animals died Adam knew what death was.
in the february watchtower a word search to the pdf found only two references to "faithful and discreet slave" and zero yes zero to governing body.. not sayin much effort is required to find lottsa goofy stuff, but just surprised.
they must be reading and diseminating this web site..
@wobble- that's true. To the average witness to obey Jehovah is to obey the GB. ( and vice-versa of course!)
i have plenty of anecdotal evidence of witnesses going through life with the attitude of "we'll just clean it up in the paradise.
" i wondered if this kind of attitude was manifest in the bethel homes and factories.
is recycling something that the watchtower engages in at its facilities?
I was told that the recycled paper would rip if put on the high speed presses.
by request:.
remember this file is available for preview and/or downloading as you wish,.
Thank you very much for posting this!
I wonder what the peak publisher figure for the U.S. is?
alas i need to vent!!!!
how can the posters who claim to be 100% loyal to the watchtower take themselves serious i mean you are on an apostate site!
that is not allowed, you have reasoned that it is okay for you to do this, therefore you are not 100% following the slave.
My brother always tells me that TRUE (real) witnesses never go to "those sites you visit". He warns me that people pretend to be what they are not on forums such as this. Thus, yes, the ones on this forum claiming to be active witnesses are not obeying the slave and should not be preaching to others since they don't follow the rules of their religion. When I was an active witness I never would have visited a site like this one.
been thinking about this and curious about what makes us all come to the decisions we came to in our fade/exiting the jw organization.. i think for myself having been born-in & raised a jw my doubts about the generation doctrine had simmered for years within me quietly and by the time i finally left in 2003 i had reached my breaking point.
also seeing unjust treatment of rank & file witness ( myself included ) just propelled me into my decision even quicker.
so - one day after meeting with 3 elders in a back room before a meeting and seeing their judgmental aggression towards me - i just told myself " enough is enough ".
I just lost my desire to go to meetings. It happened gradually. I had no family or friends at the hall and ended up going only to get the literature. It just naturally occured- my going less and less, maybe only once a year or so. Not planned, just went that way. Finally after a meeting with 2 judgemental, unencouraging elders I knew I could not convince myself to go much longer. Over the next year I think I went once. Finally in 2005 I went to a meeting and it ended up being my last one. I did not plan it to be, just worked out that way. I could find no motivation to go back, not even for the literature. And I guess the congregation did not notice or care that I was missing. No-one ever called to inquire how I am or why I left or to try to get me to come back.