@Grandmajones- I agree- I felt secure about the future. Too bad it was only a fable after all :(
JoinedPosts by factfinder
Name Something Good About Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus ini've got one!.
you don't have to wait in long xmas lines at the store to buy xmas presents.
as a matter of fact, you don't have to buy a damn thing!.
Name Something Good About Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus ini've got one!.
you don't have to wait in long xmas lines at the store to buy xmas presents.
as a matter of fact, you don't have to buy a damn thing!.
@Palimpsest- I forgot about the pudding cups at the conventions- I loved those! and the bag of grapes which was so good to have while sitting out there in the heat at the stadium!
Name Something Good About Being A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus ini've got one!.
you don't have to wait in long xmas lines at the store to buy xmas presents.
as a matter of fact, you don't have to buy a damn thing!.
I loved touring Bethel and seeing the vast printing operation! ( I took vocational printing in School). Did'nt have to buy birthday or christmas or Hannukah presents ( of course did not recieve any either).
That is a shame for older witnesses like that...then they realize they wasted their lives for nothing. It is sad. I am not THAT old but I lost out on opportunities to have good jobs or a good career because of having to take jobs that don't interfere with meetings and FS.
Does anyone think there will ever be a good GB? When these dopes in the GB die off and all new ones come in. Perhaps in the future there will be a more caring GB? Or is that impossible?
Question for Bethelites/ former Bethelites
by factfinder indid any of you former or current bethelites work at the 117 adams street complex?
were you proud of the expansive size of the facility and the huge amount of literature produced there?
were announcements made to you regarding production statistics and what you had accomplished there each year?
Did any of you former or current bethelites work at the 117 Adams street complex? Were you proud of the expansive size of the facility and the huge amount of literature produced there? were announcements made to you regarding production statistics and what you had accomplished there each year? Did the wt provide you with any reports on the work done there? I always enjoyed touring the factory complex and was impressed by it's size and output. I remember being told that just one day's production of books if stacked would reach 4 times the height of the empire state building! It was at one time the largest bookplant in NY and the third largest printery in the world! Did this matter to you or was it just a job at bethel?
What depts are there now? My last visit was in 2003- prior to the switch of all printing/binding operations in 2004 and it does not look like I will be visiting there now. I used to have several friends at Bethel including some who worked at the Adams st factory. Were any of you brothers interested in the production statistics? Thanks!
As a JW, what did you do on Christmas Day?
by Magwitch ingrowing up a jw, we always had family from out of town visit or we would go visit family.
it was fun to get together with my other jw cousins over christmas.
(however, it was hell going back to school in january as the only girl without a new sweater).. as a married jw though it was a different story.
@elm- that sounds like you had some very happy Christmas's as a child. What a shame the jws made your family cancel them. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas this year!
So much for Watchtower, er, Bible studies
by dgp inon another thread, i wondered whether there was an objective way to determine the effect that the internet is having on new people being attracted into the watchtower.
i get the general impression that, while we can certainly know that the internet has been crucial in quite a few people leaving, or never joining, there is no statistics that would tell us something like "millions now living didn't join because of what they read on a website".. that's for background.
now i would like to see the question the other way around.
Hi Blondie! What from the Proclaimers book made those two witnesses leave?
How do JW's justify lying to people they call on?
by highdose inyou may remember my recent experiance with two jw's at my door.
they lied non stop to me and even when i pointed out their lies they still did not tell the truth.. do they really think that they will win people into their cult by lying to them?
don't they think about what will happen when the person finds out they have been lying to them?.
Do they realize they are lying? Remember the illustration of how Rahab lied to protect the spys? WT says she did the right thing by lying. One of the things that really bothered me and made me finally realize that Jws are not God's organization is that what I was taught in the TRUTH book is no longer taught as truth. Truth is no longer true? So I was lying from door to door all those years when preaching what the Truth book and Live Forever book says? So I was lied to, and I lied to others? My brother would not answer me on these things. They don't matter to him.
Quotes by Voltaire - Do you agree and Why?
by Lady Lee inok i want to stimulate some thinking.
i'm going to list a bunch of quotes attributed to voltaire - someone i had never thought to read.
but coming across a couple of quotes of his i thought they were rather profound.. so here is the deal.
thank you for sharing these quotes LadyLee and for all the interesting comments everyone.
When you were in Bethel??
by mouthy in1989.1990.1991,1992,1993, did you see me with a bus load of others .
picket bethel with placards,loudspeakers???
?i loved doing it.. even the cops liked us doing it.
Mr. Coffee was hit by a Bethel truck? That is ironic-and funny! Yes- I can imagine them referring to him as Mr. coffee grounds! I'm sure some said he got ground!!!