Waiting on Jehovah
by cameo-d 18 Replies latest jw friends
another one- last GB member at Bethel
This reminds me of two elderly sisters who born about 1910 and both had spent years and years pioneering. They never had children but did marry when they were on up in age. As they were dying in the nursing homes of a shared blood disease they both asked how it was this system of things was still going on. I remember saying to them "We're waiting on Jehovah" and you know both of them said I wonder if we were wrong???? Wouldn't it be terrible to feel this at the very end of your life spending your entire life waiting for something that never came. It is sad for those who cling to it.
Those ungrateful murmuring elderly sisters. Just like the Israelites, they cannot see that Jehovah in his mercy has permitted the wicked system to go on so long because the new Moses-like Governing Body members had not yet come to power so that Jehovah could, through these gifts in men, lovingly chew them out for being ungrateful murmuring elderly sisters.
That is a shame for older witnesses like that...then they realize they wasted their lives for nothing. It is sad. I am not THAT old but I lost out on opportunities to have good jobs or a good career because of having to take jobs that don't interfere with meetings and FS.
Does anyone think there will ever be a good GB? When these dopes in the GB die off and all new ones come in. Perhaps in the future there will be a more caring GB? Or is that impossible?
The problem with the idea of a "good Governing Body" is that ANY "Governing Body" is still unnecessary and unscriptural.
Impressive theocratic thinking, but if you want to make the Writing Department you need to replace "lovingly chew them out" with "lovingly reprove"...
I suppose anything is possible, but just remember that the current GB members will be selecting their own replacements, so don't get your hopes up.
Those 2 elderly sisters just go show that a negative attitude can spread like a poison through ungrateful,selfish,ignorant attitudes that these 2 displayed, rather then dying a slow painful death and showing thanks,gratitude and a humbling spirit that our creator has given us, and appreciating the fine gift to be able to pioneer for decades we should really be grateful for the spiritual feasts that our loving father provides for us on a daily basis.
Heh, you're right ding. The subtle but caustic irony of language like "lovingly reprove" is far more effectively irritating.
I quit!
How about a Waiting on Jehovah Calendar? It would be something like one of those Advent Calendars where every day you open a little door and get a piece of chocolate till Christmas Day. That way Jehovah's Witness would get something every day for waiting on Jehovah. The longer they have to wait the more chocolate they get! It might not seem like much but it is more than they are getting now.