Caution! Bad puns to follow:
I hear if something becomes dense enough it will implode into a singularity. If this is true, the content is certainly heading in the direction of a collapse.
this is not a prophesy, folks, but rather a train of thought to pursue about the organization, especially in light of its recent legal problems.. could the magazines collapse?
the watchtower is published in 188 languages?
and the awake a rather huge number as well?.
Caution! Bad puns to follow:
I hear if something becomes dense enough it will implode into a singularity. If this is true, the content is certainly heading in the direction of a collapse.
i don't know if anyone has noticed this yet but the jan. 2012 g is now up on
the average printing per issue is now.
41.042,000 which is an increase per issue of 1,129,000 more compared with last year.
I never placed orders to try to impress the literature servent nor did I leave them at laudromats.
Neither did I, but my family had thousands lying around the house, as did other JWs I knew. I've never used magazines in my preaching, as the WT and A! are cesspools of misinformation, idiotic mistakes, and ignorant old men's opinions. I would only use literature I'd read and agreed with, which was precious few. I (and just about anyone who's been a JW for more than about 3 seconds) have seen many a pile of magazines dumped in public places and tucked inside screen doors. The fact that a handful of people out of 7M didn't/don't do something is statistically irrelevant. The fact remains that distribution numbers of free things are pointless, especially when people are convinced that if they write down enough of them, they'll get a pet tiger.
.. case number: b12083527.
.. case number: b12083108.
.. case number: b12083367.
Has anyone written to the Society to ask why they're declaring in Australian court that the FDS doesn't exist? I'm sure this case will go on for some time if the government takes it over and runs with it. Anyone getting a response from the Watchtower either stating the (possibly "worldly") lawyers were mistaken or invoking "theocratic warfare" could have a bombshell of info for the court. If the WBTS got hundreds or thousands of letters asking if the FDS is a non-entity, perhaps they'd feel forced to answer the question. Then, they'd be in a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" situation, where either answer would be suicide. Failing to respond may be equally self-destructive. Have they finally lied their way too deep to spin their way out of it?
.. case number: b12083527.
.. case number: b12083108.
.. case number: b12083367.
Will court transcripts become available in the future?
I would love to have some hard evidence of the Society denying, on the record, the existence of the FDS in open court. Not that any JWs would believe it or care when proof positive was forced upon them. Their wall of denial and screams of "Apostate!" would drown out anything which might actually cause one of their synapses to fire.
this kingdom hall was built in the 1960's and they still meet there.
JWs are always distancing themselves from their past, but that's not the real reason. In the interest of "Christian unity"™, everything must conform to the current brand identity. It's just like when you go to McDonald's, everything has the Golden Arches (which have changed in appearance over the years) on it; from straw wrappers to napkins to cups to burger wrapping paper to bathroom soap dispensers. Whenever a large, centralized corporation changes its corporate image, every store, every uniform, every place mat, every sign, every menu board must be in compliance within a certain period of time. The Watchtower is like McDonald's and if you want to work (or in this case, slave) for the company, you have to wear the right uniform and the locations must all be similar or identical for brand recognition. Just like McDonald's employees are required to wear shirts with the company logo on them, we are required to use a Bible provided by and identifiable with the Society. Just like McDonald's employees are required to greet customers and answer the phone with scripted greetings, the KM tells us what to say. Just like McDonald's registers restrict the employee to what they can offer the customer, we are only allowed to say certain things. Imagine the Bible is food, but the Watchtower is the menu. Not just any food can be offered, but only what the corporation permits. Conformity and uniformity in all things, at all costs is how JWs "keep up with Jehovah's ever-advancing chariot". This is code for keeping the servants constantly in a state of submission so they don't have a chance to think about why they're doing it or if they should be.
So, every few years a word or phrase is changed arbitrarilly, to make sure the rank and file are kept on their toes and feel "corrected". Small adjustments in doctrine are made, so the people feel like they need "Mother" to constantly tell them what to think and believe. Even ideas like Jesus come and go in the ebb and tide of the Society's constant shell game of doctrine and attitudes, just to keep the publishers from feeling like they know anything. The only way to constantly teach people new things from a finite book that's been around for thousands of years is to randomly make shit up. That way, the appearance is given that the Bible can't be understood, since they just "taught" you something you never knew. Forget the fact that it's completely manufactured and false; that's not important. The important part is that it's new to you, so you need them to tell you new things that you don't already know.
this is taken fro wt 1983 4/1.
"some who once served as jehovahs witnesses have rejected various scriptural views based on the teachings of jesus christ and his apostles.
for instance, they insist that we are not living in the last days, despite overwhelming evidence that we are.
I’ve noticed on blogs and the like where JDubs rabbit on about ‘apostates’, they have no specific examples of what ‘apostates’ are about.
They can't even identify "the faithful and discreet slave", whom they're supposed to obey. 11k partakers? 7 old wack-jobs? Unidentified writing department members? Demonstrably false words on a page in a proprietary religious magazine 99.9% of the world barely (if at all) realize exists?
Why on earth would any man want to be married to more than ONE woman in THIS day and age? Glutton for punishment perhaps? |
Don't marry women who are a pain in the ass and there shouldn't be any problem. With some women, one is too many; others, the more the merrier.
The Mormon Church of LDS abandoned polygamy in 1890 The Watchtower Society abandoned polygamy in 1947 |
And the Catholic Church totally forbade it at the Council of Trent in 1563.
Interestingly, all of these examples (and any other "Christian" ones which may be cited) are hundreds of years after any actual Scriptural ban would have been imposed on the early Church. Obviously, this ban is purely extra-Biblical and of plainly human origin.
Already-gouged taxpayers have the honor of footing the bill for court costs and police overtime.
Actually, if they are found guilty, the few minutes of police presence, few minutes in court, and few minutes being processed into jail will cost them hundreds or thousands of dollars in "court costs" and fines. The police do nothing that doesn't make the system money. Why do you think if you drive down a stretch of highway you'll see dozens of cops with radar guns, but if your house is being broken into there's nobody to be there anytime in the near future?
I just today sat in the booth next to a drunk bum who ordered food at a restaurant, couldn't pay for it, then passed out and fell over on the booth seat. The police showed up about a half hour later. The bum said he didn't have any money or ID, and was obviously staggering drunk. If I'd have done this, I'd go immediately to jail. The police did nothing. They didn't run the name he gave them for outstanding warrants, take him in until they verified his identity (since he'd just committed a crime), or arrest him. They just told him he had to leave. A motorist pulled over for the most minor (or made-up) infraction or suspicion will at the very least have his ID run for warrants. If any are found, they will arrest you, impound your vehicle, and make you pay bail/bond to get out of jail. They obviously knew this guy had no money to extract from him and so he was of no consequence to their scam.
Police are not your friends. Police are not "serving" or "protecting" anything but a corrupt system of government overlords and their own interests.
i don't know if anyone has noticed this yet but the jan. 2012 g is now up on
the average printing per issue is now.
41.042,000 which is an increase per issue of 1,129,000 more compared with last year.
It's easy to get some pretty big numbers when you're talking about free literature nobody reads. Should we tally all the fake $20 bill "Jesus Saves" tracts left on windshields, too? Easily 90% of the magazines actually read are by JWs. The rest are scattered like so much illegal dumping in laundromats and door jambs of empty houses all over the world. Not to mention the huge piles of unplaced rags in JW homes, because they wanted to impress the literature servant with their monthly orders.