a. the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is the one true religion
b. all other religions are part of Satan's organization, Babylon the Great, defined by the Watchtower Society as “the world empire of false religion”.
c. God is soon going to destroy the Whore of Revelation 18 at Armageddon, which includes all churches of Christendom, Catholic and Protestant, as well as all their followers and supporters.
d. with rare exceptions, only faithful Jehovah's Witnesses will survive Armageddon. The billions who perish at Armageddon will be forever destroyed without any hope of a resurrection.
e. True Christians are to accept every official teaching that comes down from Watchtower headquarters and if they, as adults, vocalize any disagreement and persist in it, will be disfellowshipped and shunned by friends and family. Unity at all costs
f. proper disfellowshipping offenses include ongoing unrepentant celebration of birthdays including Christ's birthday, unrepentant acceptance of blood transfusions, refusal to quit smoking and willing ongoing association with a known disfellowshipped or disassociated person or persons.
g. the 11 member Governing Body serving at Warwick New York headquarters represent the channel of truth for mankind. Together they are the Faithful and Wise Servant spoken of in Matthew 24:45-47.
h. that in October 1914 Jesus second coming occurred invisibly; he then became king and from 1914 on has been ruling in the heavens giving his attention to the earth which initially involved the examination of the churches of Christendom. The last generation that Jesus said surely would not pass away...began in 1914. (note: the youngest of the 1914 generation i.e.,babies born in 1914, are 107 years old today)
i. in the spring of 1918 the apostle Peter and all anointed ones who died (less than 145,000) were raised to heavenly life. The rest of mankind who are not part of the 144,000, good and bad, remain in the grave until the second resurrection which will take place soon.
j. in the fall of 1918, Jesus finished examining the churches and rejected all of them.
k. early in 1919, Jesus found a group of faithful Bible Student leaders serving at Brooklyn New York and appointed them to exclusively channel his truth to the nations via the publishing company they were using (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania). This group of men was the original Faithful Slave of Matthew 24, whose office, mandate and ability to interpret the scriptures accurately was passed down to all subsequent Watchtower leaders. These leaders are not perfect and they can err in doctrine or organizational instruction, but they must be believed and obeyed nonetheless.
l. that prior to the 20th century (from AD 33 to 1900) there were less than 145,000 faithful Christians that ever existed. (Note: this means that the millions who perished as martyrs before the twentieth century were not real Christians in the Watchtower Society's eyes).
m. a new group of non-anointed Christians began being called early in the 20th century; today there are 8.5 million of these Christians in the world. These are not born-again; they do not have a heavenly hope; they are not in the New Covenant and therefore are not entitled to partake of the bread and the wine symbolizing Jesus' death; they do not have eternal life, the indwelling Holy Spirit or the imputation of Christ's righteousness. They will only have a chance to earn eternal life if they survive Armageddon and serve God during the 1000 year millennium and prove themselves faithful to the end.
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Distinction between Bible-based and biblical.
It is clear that the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses is Bible-based.
But it is also equally clear that all evangelical churches rightly claim that their brand of Christianity is Bible-based.
Today there are Bible Students who still believe the Faithful Slave was Charles Russell. They base this on Matthew 24:45–47. So it is Bible-based to say Charlie Russell is the Slave.
Now what can we conclude from this. …. Only that Bible-based does not necessarily mean biblical….and in many cases, Bible-based is an excuse to add ideas to biblical passages.