So you don't know their names. Everyone in the upper room knew the names of those taking the lead.
You don't know their names means you don't know who was chosen and you can't answer Jesus' question.
You don't know their names but you can tell me the continent they were chosen on, the country they were chosen in, the state and the city they were chosen in, the offices they occupied in Brooklyn as well as the month and year they were chosen to be the faithful slave.
Its strange that you know all this information, but that the very unnamed ones were propogating the lie that Pastor Russell who died in 1916 was the faithful slave. In fact those allegedly chosen ones in Brooklyn never knew they were chosen; they went to their graves clueless.
It was only on 2012 that it was revealed to the GB of JWs that these unnamed men were chosen to fill that office....and that they, the current GB inherited that office by divine succession. Amazing.
As the GB has pronounced.
We are the faithful and Discrete Slave that alone understands the scriptures and through whom you must be saved. If you do not accept us you will be destroyed by Jehovah. This is what the Bible clearly teaches. Put your faith in us and survive Armageddon which is just around the corner.