<<But let's get back to the topic. Please tell me about the books you have studied that present the scientific case for evolution.>>
How many books I've read is not the topic. Neither is how many books you have read against evolution. This line of questioning reminds me of the JWs who ask where I get my information about them. I tell them that the information I get can come from the devil himself if it is true.
Let me show you how to get back to the topic. What I have done thus far on this thread is to report on the poll results, state that I do not believe in microbe to man evolution and posted videos with findings that need to be critiqued.
For example:
Why do you think not one of the university students interviewed in the first video could support that their belief in evolution amounted to more than faith? They certainly had faith in their professors. Do you think perhaps they might not have read the right number of books?
In the second video, do you support the answers given by the professor to the simplistic questions asked? Do you agree with his closing assertion as to what he had to say was "Science"?
In the third video, how do you respond to Meyer's claim that random mutations in the genetic code could not mathematically amount to anything significant?