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JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
How the Governing Body elite are really Doomsday Preppers and always have been paranoid
by Terry inwatchtower boondoggle from 1929, better known as the house of princes.
this was built in 1929 to house the newly resurrected “ancient worthies” such as abraham, david, and other old testament men of faith which were supposed to have been already resurrected in the year 1925.
(note: it didn’t happen.).
How do you get Leah Remini Show on Jehovah Witnesses?
by The Bethelite ini've gone to the a&e channel with no luck.
Seeking advice
by Mizalisa ini'm not a jw, nor was i raised jw.
for the past three years i have been involved with a man who was raised jw, who at first told me he no longer believed as they did, but who, it has become clear over time, has not told his family or religious community the truth.
he has strung me along for years, never introduced me to anyone in his life.
Miz, we are rooting for you and hope that you are standing firm and have moved on with your life. Can you give us an update?
Trudeau's chocolate charm.
by waton ine liked the success, explaining the repeat performanceswhy would an alpha male like the former prime minister's elliot trudeau's son justin want to appear different?
here is my theory:.
he took acting lessons, and is still using the acquired skills.
Wow...Ray Comfort already used the latest Trudeau blackface revelation to evangelize.
Trudeau's chocolate charm.
by waton ine liked the success, explaining the repeat performanceswhy would an alpha male like the former prime minister's elliot trudeau's son justin want to appear different?
here is my theory:.
he took acting lessons, and is still using the acquired skills.
Mountain out of a molehill.
The real issue is his incompetence as a leader.
I speculate many Japanese PIMI are visiting apostate websites to collect information
by yoko N ini run a japanese blog which exposes jw's hidden scandals.
child abuse issues, court cases which are never to be published on jw official website.
it is a very serious blog.
Mockery should be used as a last resort. Hope you take it down quicky and that your blog traffic will get back to normal.
Psychological Changes in the Vocabulary of the WTS
by blondie inpsychological changes in the vocabulary of the wts.
i have been reading the publications of the wts since i was 6, 60 years now.
we were too poor to have more than one subscription for each magazine so i had to wait until my mother had read it (she let them pile up).
Thank you FJ.
Psychological Changes in the Vocabulary of the WTS
by blondie inpsychological changes in the vocabulary of the wts.
i have been reading the publications of the wts since i was 6, 60 years now.
we were too poor to have more than one subscription for each magazine so i had to wait until my mother had read it (she let them pile up).
Could you provide the reference info on the quotation? It is either evidence of hypocrisy, blindness or both.
Seeking advice
by Mizalisa ini'm not a jw, nor was i raised jw.
for the past three years i have been involved with a man who was raised jw, who at first told me he no longer believed as they did, but who, it has become clear over time, has not told his family or religious community the truth.
he has strung me along for years, never introduced me to anyone in his life.
He is mentally in. His family and religion are more important than you will ever be. You are wasting precious time. All indicators are screaming it's time to run. He will try to hang on to his secret mistress.
He will want to meet up with you to pull your emotional strings, declare his love and make future promises which he will not keep. Do not believe him for a second.
Don't sell yourself short. Tell him to call you when he has a date to introduce you personally to his parents (he won't) and that until then you will be dating.
After 3 years it's time for action, not words. Make your break and make it fast and permanent.
Seeking advice
by Mizalisa ini'm not a jw, nor was i raised jw.
for the past three years i have been involved with a man who was raised jw, who at first told me he no longer believed as they did, but who, it has become clear over time, has not told his family or religious community the truth.
he has strung me along for years, never introduced me to anyone in his life.
Looks like he is between a rock and a hard place. If he reveals to his parents that he is dating a worldling (anyone who is not JW) he will probably end up disfellowshipped, lose family and friends, be shunned by them and kicked out of house and home. So my advice is, don't make this personal.
However If you determine to contiue the secretive relationship till he gets a financial footing, you should find out If he is truly and totally mentally out of Watchtower religion. If he is still mentally in (e.g. still believes non-JWs will be destroyed at Armageddon) i would say run for the hills Gal.