Welcome to the forum Jofi!!! I trust you will be encouraged here in your faith and that we will be blessed by your experience and knowledge.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Just one foot in...
by Jofi_Wofo in...with one foot out.. *deep breath*.
from day one, i've felt like i was one foot out of this religion, but it took me until over a decade to reach the point where i am ready to move on.
i'm a newly registered user to this site.
Only One Destiny for All Christians
by cofty inthe following is an extract from an article i wrote when i left the watchtower 25 years ago.
it may be helpful in reasoning with a jw about the anointed/great crowd distinction.. --------------------------------.
to divide people into those with a heavenly hope and those with an earthly one is not a biblical concept.
Excellent article Cofty. Thank you.
True, there is no such thing as a Christian who is not born again or anointed. And all of Matthew 5 (Beatitudes) apply to the anointed.
However, I don't see the New Testament ruling out a hope for the unrighteous post resurrection. It seems to me that the nations will still exist in an earthly setting being ruled with a rod of iron during the millennium period.
The only ones I don't see a scriptural hope for are those who have sinned against the Holy Spirit.
The Simpson's APU is now NOT politically correct...
by The Fall Guy in...so he's being cut from the the programme.
the world is going bonkers!
Talking about being politically, socially and morally incorrect-insensitive, forget Simpsons, try Family Guy. I can't stomach for than 5 seconds of his nonsense.
Who make up the new memorial partakers?
by jwfacts inwhen the doctrine regarding 1935 being the close of the calling was done away with in 2007, it was not unexpected to see the number rise.
over the next few years it went from around 8,500 to 10,500. this seemed to indicate that there were a couple of thousand people that may have felt they had the calling all along, but too shy to profess it.
for the 30 year period between the mid 1978 and 2007, parktakers had barely dropped.
The answer is that Jesus words are Spirit and they are life. His body and blood are to be consumed means that we must personally appropriate by faith that his body was broken for us and for our healing and that his blood alone cleanses us from sin.
This metaphorical view is developed more fully at
New JW Scripture rebuttal section on readJW.info
by Jake101 inhi, we’ve added a quick reference scripture rebuttal section on the readjw.info site.
we hope it’s useful when discussing these scriptures with a jw.. .
if you can think of additional jw scriptures we should add then please just let us know with a post here or via the contact form on the site,.
I suggested a rebuttal on acts 15.
Jordan Peterson - Messiah or Poseur?
by cofty ina jp video came up on my youtube feed last week - he was on a panel in front of a huge audience and some poor disturbed guy ran on stage and started crying and wailing to peterson that he needed his help.
it was agonising to watch.. what was even more disturbing was the comments section.
i do not exaggerate when i say that dozens of people were extolling peterson's wisdom as if jesus had come again.
He encourages people to act responsibly....so he is bound to fetch some criticism.
Where is the best comprehensive NWT error list?
by Jake101 inhi.
while there are many excellent web sites that explain a few jw nwt bible translation problems, are there any comprehensive lists of nwt scripture errors online please?.
thanks .
Thank you for the articles BDB. Excellent resources.
Where is the best comprehensive NWT error list?
by Jake101 inhi.
while there are many excellent web sites that explain a few jw nwt bible translation problems, are there any comprehensive lists of nwt scripture errors online please?.
thanks .
The problem with Jehovah's Witnesses includes their heretical soteriology....totally unbiblical injection of an organization and its leadership's dictstes into the the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no salvation outside of the organization.
Are some of you scared?
by BlackTwisted inare some of you scared that armageddon may be coming anytime?
just the thought and the picture in your head that anybody can get killed....>.<.
Thanks for the reboot BT. This thread may help some overcome WT induced fear of Armageddon. Where do you stand now in terms of your beliefs?
3/2020 WT Baptism Rigmarole
by neat blue dog inremember those pesky scriptures about 'put faith in jesus and you will be saved' & 'getting baptized without delay'?
well, in this time of the end ™ we know better, and the latest march 2020 study edition wt sums it all up:.
before you can get baptized, there are a few other things you need to do.
Jehovah's Witnesses today would not baptise the Ethiopian minister of finance, a man wielding great political authority (Acts 8: 27)
Neither would they baptise the likes of Cornelius no matter how many Watchtower books he read.
Nor would they baptise anyone who rejected that something significant happened in October of 1914 or the spring of 1919.
And actually they would not baptise you if you disagreed with any single current teaching eminating from the FDS in NY.
How closely modern JWs mirror first century Christians.