OK, some good additions here. I try to personalize these potentially embarrassing questions because I already know the official WTS responses so I feel dishonest asking questions as if I don't know the organizations' positions. That problem is solved when I ask them what they personally think/believe.
11. Do you believe that less than 150,000 faithful Christians existed prior to the 20th century? (33AD-1900)
12. Do you believe that Jehovah has promised to usher in a safe and secure new world before the 1914 generation expires?
13. Would you say that modern JWs are very similar to early Church Christians?
14. Do you believe that your organization's leaders have been given exclusive mandate and ability to interpret the Bible for Christians today?
15. Do you believe that the Bible can be made to say anything one wants it to say?
16. Would you say that Jehovah's Witnesses generally discourage their children from going on to university?
17. Are JW's able to see in detail how their donations are allocated and what they're invested in.
18. Are you sure that what you are being taught as truth today won't be dismissed as "old light" next month?
19. Are you or any members of your congregation currently shunning any of their children?
20. Do you believe a God of truth and honesty would allow his alleged appointed representatives on Earth to put his name on inaccurate information?