Apparently plasma is considered one of the four main components of blood which divine law prohibits..... despite the fact that every element of plasma, including water, albumin proteins etc. are on the Watchtower acceptable list.
Make sense of that.
jehovah’s witnesses reject plasma injections for covid-19.
the jehovah’s witnesses have issues with modern medical information because this is seen as against the tenets of the religious faith.
Apparently plasma is considered one of the four main components of blood which divine law prohibits..... despite the fact that every element of plasma, including water, albumin proteins etc. are on the Watchtower acceptable list.
Make sense of that.
i remember when i was young an article we studied that stated something to the effect that, religions or other people have at times set dates or tried to set dates using chronology but that those were deemed false prophets.... can anyone point me to any or multiple articles or quotes that can help me in my fight with my parents?
i'm battling the 1914 generation change at the moment.
Having trouble posting a JPG
The Watchtower Oct. 15, 1958, p.613
"Sometime between April 15 and 23, 1957, Armageddon will sweep the world! Millions of persons will perish in its flames and the land will be scorched." So prophesied a certain California Pastor Mibran Ask, in January 1957. Such false prophets tend to put the subject of Armageddon in disrepute.
i remember when i was young an article we studied that stated something to the effect that, religions or other people have at times set dates or tried to set dates using chronology but that those were deemed false prophets.... can anyone point me to any or multiple articles or quotes that can help me in my fight with my parents?
i'm battling the 1914 generation change at the moment.
@ Sir
I happen to have the Awake magazines for both October and November 1995. Great little tool to show visiting JWs.
the latest watchtower is now out and they make this statement -.
7 during the thousand year rule of christ, all of jehovah’s earthly children will have to make changes to please him.
so all of them will have true fellow feeling as they help the resurrected ones to combat sinful tendencies and to live by jehovah’s standards.
Marking for the excellent quotes.
hello, i am in the beginning stages of a slow fade.
over the years i have become more and more dissatisfied with the beliefs, teachings, and organizational practices of the organization.
i no longer have faith in it.
Glad you have joined us Huxley!
The Watchtower historically has readily depended on newspaper exegesis coupled with eisegesis to determine Jehovah's eschatological agenda. Don't give the virus a second look as being part of an alleged "composite sign".
The organization has never had a clue about how to interpret Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. Further Jehovah tells us not to fear the words of those who make false predictions.
Jesus was giving his disciples a heads up as to when exactly to flee Jerusalem and Judaea and to.pray their flight would not be in winter or on a Sabbath (escape restrictions).
As for "that day", it will take place in normal times, people eating, drinking, marrying and working at jobs etc. No need to flee anywhere, saints will be taken. It will not be a local event, I.e., Jerusalem and Judaea but it will come as a snare on the entire earth, at a time that cannot be anticipated by newspaper exegesis or calculations of men. To be ready for that day will not depend on ones relationship with an organization, but with Jesus Christ himself.
help me understand why i could not stop laughing watching this apparently serious video?.
I am beginning to think it's because of this young man's ongoing, detailed, honest frustrated ramblings about what it's like to be a Jehovah's Witness. No way is he going to let Watchtower religion steal any more of his life.
This video would serve as great tool to disillusion would-be recruits to the organization.
help me understand why i could not stop laughing watching this apparently serious video?.
Help me understand why I could not stop laughing watching this apparently serious video?
i'm a born and raised witness.
i was an elder for almost 20 years.
almost the same in fulltime service.
To expand your social life try volunteering while fading. .
in this mid-week's video, the speaker talking about the marriages of jacob, and joseph, mentions, that jacob had 4 female bearers of his children; therefore the sons were closely spaced in age, perhaps born at the rate of 4 per year, in total much less then 10 years apart with joseph being the youngest at the time , perhaps 17. so:.
the overlapping group generation championed by the same speaker, in the earlier teaching refers to "-- joseph and his generation died --" as key generation proof ext.
we have the tacit admission that his core contemporary family generation group spans less than a decade.
There are only two meanings for the word generation in the gospels; either one set of parents to the next or the people at a given time time living contemporaneously.
The Watchtower changes the meaning of words to fit it's own faulty eschatology regardless of consistency of biblical usage.
i started dating a coworker who is a divorced jw.
found out he was disfellowshipped, and he was trying to figure out how to make things work.
i am not a jw, and his family is not supportive of the relationship.
He is defined by his religion as long as he still believes the religion is the truth. Time to abandon ship before you sink girl