I remember when we were kids in the 50s, we were required to be vaccinated prior to travel to Barbados. As soon as we were vaccinated my dad, an unbaptized publisher, rushed us into the airport washroom and applied alcohol over the injection.
today there is a lot of hope placed in a vaccines to immunise against covid 19 , and relief that they are soon to be available.
that will be shared by the eight million or so jws in this world.
they should be thankful that the wts has moved away from its teaching ,that lasted for decades , proclaiming that vaccination was wrong, and a tool of satan.
I remember when we were kids in the 50s, we were required to be vaccinated prior to travel to Barbados. As soon as we were vaccinated my dad, an unbaptized publisher, rushed us into the airport washroom and applied alcohol over the injection.
the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!.
thank you for your kind patience.
his request to have lazarus dip the "tip" of his finger in "water" and "cool" his "tongue," tells us: there is no water in the world of the dead.
Sorry but I don't find your arguments convincing. Seems to me that, other than the name, the fictitious Lazarus of the Luke 16 parody bears no resemblance to the Lazarus of John 11. So i suppose we will just have to agree to disagree.... at least until the resurrection anyway.
the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!.
thank you for your kind patience.
his request to have lazarus dip the "tip" of his finger in "water" and "cool" his "tongue," tells us: there is no water in the world of the dead.
Hi Peaceful,
Sorry, I see no resemblance between Lazarus of a fictitious story and the historical figure of Mary and Martha's brother.
The Pharisees would say Lazarus (God is your help) claiming they could not lift a finger to help the common people in their struggles; to do so would result in their torment in the afterlife in the left side of Hades. So Jesus told their imaginary story back to them with "God your help" in Abraham's Bosom/right side of Hades/hell, exactly where the Pharisees placed them for accepting their struggles in this life.
the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!.
thank you for your kind patience.
his request to have lazarus dip the "tip" of his finger in "water" and "cool" his "tongue," tells us: there is no water in the world of the dead.
Lazarus was a common name in Israel. It means God your help. If Lazarus and the Rich Man is a parable or at least an allegory, then there could be no relationship between Martha and Mary's brother and a fictitious person.
God is your help was a common phrase employed by the Pharisees who claimed there hands were tied so they could not lift a finger to help the poor or disabled without jeoparding their afterlife. Very similar to JW elders who say they must leave unwitnessed alleged child molesters in Jehovah's hands.
the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!.
thank you for your kind patience.
his request to have lazarus dip the "tip" of his finger in "water" and "cool" his "tongue," tells us: there is no water in the world of the dead.
the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!.
thank you for your kind patience.
his request to have lazarus dip the "tip" of his finger in "water" and "cool" his "tongue," tells us: there is no water in the world of the dead.
For the full story on Lazarus and the Rich Man, try the following explanation derived from my book entitled "Eternal Torment-Image and Reality" available @Amazon Books.
i find it very disturbing that media outlets as well as facebook, instagram, google and others decide that a point of view is not acceptable simply because they don’t share an opinion.
perhaps it is at least right now but i think it’s very wrong.
what’s your view?
8: Many Church Members
https://youtu.be/dxcnaayw20c .
evidently it would seem the wt sold the rights and will get royalties from "listen obey and be blessed.." this obviously is a trial balloon for what's to come.
kim and mikey alluded to this and i have been wondering why they are planning on spending hundreds of millions on a new movie studio in n.y. and also in australia just for the benefit of the few million jdub's.
well here's the answer, they are going to make money off the royalties from their music and video content selling to other church groups.
They will go bankrupt if they think Christian churches will buy WTS material.
hey all!just to start i want to let you know the reason i'm here is for a school project.the project is very simple.
the goal is to learn about other religions.
this information will only be used to inform not to spread hate, deceit, or insult.i have three general questions.
If you narrow down your thesis to Major differences, I can help you with some details.
I. Different Jesus: Created angel vs uncreated eternal God from true God
Ii. Different Gospel in terms of:
a. Content
b. Nature of salvation
c. Criteria for salvation
d. Means of salvation
e. Hope of salvation