Wow! Just checked. Did this thread take off or what. Must be a few chronology buffs around. Time to catch up.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 or 568 BC?
by Vanderhoven7 inanybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
Nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 or 568 BC?
by Vanderhoven7 inanybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
Originally Answered: Why do Jehovah's Witnesses claim that VAT 4956, written in Nebucadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 BC? Any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 BC.there are 13 sets of lunar observations on the tablet and 15 planetary observations. These describe the position of the moon or planets in relation to certain stars or constellations.18 There are also eight time intervals between the risings and settings of the sun and the moon.18a
Because of the superior reliability of the lunar positions, researchers have carefully analyzed these 13 sets of lunar positions on VAT 4956. They analyzed the data with the aid of a computer program capable of showing the location of celestial bodies on a certain date in the past.19 What did their analysis reveal? While not all of these sets of lunar positions match the year 568/567 B.C.E., all 13 sets match calculated positions for 20 years earlier, for the year 588/587 B.C.E.
Clearly, much of the astronomical data in VAT 4956 fits the year 588 B.C.E. as the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar II. This, therefore, supports the date of 607 B.C.E. for Jerusalem’s destruction—just as the Bible indicates.
▪ The tablet describes astronomical events that occurred in the 37th year of the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar II.
▪ Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed Jerusalem in his 18th regnal year.—Jeremiah 32:1.
If the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar II was 568 B.C.E., then Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 B.C.E.
610 B.C.E.
If his 37th year was 588 B.C.E., then Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E., the date that is indicated by Bible chronology.
▪ VAT 4956 points more convincingly to 607 B.C.E.
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
Right on RM,
Excuses, excuses...
the light gets brighter and brighter as the day approaches, The brothers are imperfect; we all make mistakes; but we correct them; even the disciples made mistakes,
This is the first time I've run across a JW who denies the Watchtower was guilty of prophetic speculation.
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
proves to me that the GB was not given the mandate and ability to interpret the Bible for anyone at anytime.
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
Excellent point Min
Here is the link
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
His response to me is interesting:
"I have been involved with Jehovah’s Witnesses for more than 60 years now Rick. I am very well aware of the history of this organization.
Now I have a question for you.
Are you someone who believes that the Bible is Gods inspired word to mankind? If you are, do you belong to any religious group? Which group is that?
Any further discussion depends upon your honest answer to my questions."
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
Excellent response Tater-T
I responded
<<”Our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.”>>
Houston, we have a problem!!!
Paul I’m sorry but I only see several possibilities here…as follows:
a. you are employing sarcasm.
b. you are ignorant of your organizations’ history.
c. you don’t know the definition of the word “speculation”.
d. you are brainwashed and deluded
These are the only choices I can think of. Is there another that I missed?
What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
by Vanderhoven7 inquestion: what does the watchtower society's history of prophetic speculation prove?.
how would you respond to this answer provided by paul coom... yesterday on quora?.
"our organization has never been a prophetic speculator.
Question: What does the Watchtower Society's History of Prophetic Speculation Prove?
How would you respond to this answer provided by Paul Coom... yesterday on Quora?
"Our organization has never been a prophetic speculator. All the prophecies we have commented upon are scripturally based. Our comments merely reflect our understanding of such prophecies at the time they were made.
The prophecies themselves are guaranteed to come true. The fact that we have not understood every single one of them properly does not alter that fact.
What this all proves is that we are growing in biblical understanding on a daily basis. What this proves is that we are not tied to the past as most religions are. When a change needs to be made, we make it without looking for excuses. Science operates along these lines too. It’s a good system."
Been retired for the past 16 years. Retired from teaching at 58. I am blessed beyond measure with children who love the Lord and my wife and I will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary in August. PTL
It took a lot of lies, ignorance and corruption to create CHURCHIANITY!
by TruthMatters inhave you gone back to that- or lost you faith because of 'brothers'?.
For those interested in a summary of 50 "truths" taught by Russell in the Finished Mystery I found online.
"In 1917 the Bible Students published The Finished Mystery, a powerful commentary on Revelation and Ezekiel." Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand! (1988) p.165
1. Charles Taze Russell is the faithful and wise servant (p.4)
2. Jesus gave Russell the key to understanding God’s mysteries in the last days (p.6)
3. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega in Revelation 1:8; 21:6 and 22:13 (p.15, p.318, p.336)
4. The Adventist Nelson Barbour showed Russell Biblical proof that Jesus was present since 1874 and Russell found this evidence satisfactory (p. 54) * 88 "proofs" that Christ's "Second Advent occurred in the Fall of 1874" (pp.68-71)
5. As per Russell, there’s no need to learn the Hebrew or Greek languages to gain a correct understanding of the Bible since the Presbyterians and Methodists have good versions (p. 55)
6. The remnant will be taken to heaven in 1918 (p. 64)
7. The 7 messengers in Revelation are Paul, John, Ario, Waldo, Wycliffe, Luther and Russell (illustration after page 64)
8. The 7 trumpets in Revelation 8:2 are the trumpets of the Lutherans, the Anglicans, the Presbyterians, the Baptists, the Methodists, the Evangelical Alliance and The Bible Students (chart after page 64)
9. Jesus began his reign officially in 1878 after raising the anointed dead (p. 66)
10. Demons will invade the minds of churchgoers in 1918, leading to their destruction. (p.128) "Also, in the year 1918, when God destroys the churches wholesale and the church members by millions...." (p.485)
11. The behemoth mentioned in Job 40: 15-24 is the stationary steam engine (p. 84)
12. The leviathan mentioned in Job 41:2-19 is the locomotive (p.85)
13. The "voice from heaven" of Revelation 18:4 is the voice of The Watchtower Society. (p.276)
14. According to Exodus 28:1 and Numbers 4:46-48, the number of the great crowd will be approximately 411,840,000 (p.103)
15. The horseman on the white horse in Revelation 6:2 is the personal representative of Satan: the bishop of Rome (p. 106)
16. The stars that fell from the heavens in Revelation 6:13 refers to the meteor shower on November 13, 1833 which covered 11 million square miles. The symbolic fulfillment occurred when the bishops and priests lost their influence over the minds and conscience of the people (p.120)
17. There is evidence that proves that the Palestine will be re-established in 1925 (p.128)
18. The demons will invade the minds of the members of Christianity and will bring them to their destruction in 1918 (p.128)
19. The earth was created 48,000 years ago (p.139)
20. The “angel” mentioned in Revelation 8:5 is the Watchtower Society and the “incense vessel” is the book “Finished Mystery” divinely provided to humanity (p.145)
21. According to Revelation 9:15, all of the 177,300,000 protestants on earth, who represent 1/3 of all Christians, will be destroyed in 1918 (p.164)
22. The “Time of the End” started in 1799 (p.171)
23. The “Great Tribulation” started in 1914 (p.178)
24. Michael the Archangel is the Pope of Rome (p.188)
25. The 2 wings of the woman in Revelation 12:14 are the Old and New Testaments (p.191)
26. England is a satanic country because it forcefully exports 5 million pounds of Opium to China each year (p.202)
27. The Great Pyramid of Egypt confirms the fact that the time of Harvest has come (p.226)
28. Revelation 14:20 provides us with the precise distance between Scranton, Pennsylvania (where this book was written) and Bethel in Brooklyn (where this book was printed) … 137.9 miles (p.230)
29. The clergy are like dumb dogs because they prefer to remain silent rather than accept one single “Truth” from Russell’s precious writings (p.238)
30. The republics will disappear in the Fall of 1920. Every nation will cease to exist as they get swallowed up by anarchy (p. 258)
31. The “glory” of the angel mentioned in Revelation 18:1 enlightened to earth resulting in such great discoveries and inventions such as the electrical motors, airplanes, the Panama Canal, vacuum cleaners, the books from the Watchtower, etc. (p.273)
32. The “voice out of heaven” mentioned in Revelation 18:4 is the voice of the Watchtower (p.276)
33. According to Revelation 18:14, during the millennium, the clergy will have to work for a living. This means that each preacher in Christianity will have to spend 65 cents for an alarm clock (p.285)
34. The God sitting on the throne in Revelation 19:4 is Jesus (p.290)
35. God assumes full responsibility for the entire volume of Studies in the Scriptures (p.295)
36. The Kingdom of a thousand years started in 1874 with the second coming of Jesus (p.301, p.386)
37. According to Revelation 21:17, the number of sheep at the end of the thousand-year reign will be approximately 20.7 Billion (p.323)
38. When Russell understood the full import of God’s Word, he took a firm stand. The spirit, power and influence of God entered him, never to leave (p.377)
39. Ezekiel 5:2, 12, 16, 17 refers to the way in which Jerusalem was destroyed in 606BCE and 70-73EC and it also refers to the way Christianity is being destroyed between 1914 and 1918 (p.398)
40. God’s Day of Vengeance started in 1914 and will culminate in 1918 (p.404)
41. The literal fulfillment of Ezekiel occurred in 1898 when a miller, who publicly thanked the Virgin for dear bread, literally threw gold and silver at a crowd in the streets in a vain attempt to pacify them. But they demanded his life and took it (p.407)
42. According to Ezekiel 11:9, Christianity will literally fall in the hands of labor unions, socialists and anarchists (p. 425)
43. The preachers of Christianity say things that originate in their own imagination (p.432)
44. According to Ezekiel 17:22 and 20:42, Zionism and Judaism will proper on Earth as their leaders will be Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others upon their resurrection (p.450, p.462)
45. The congregation mentioned in Ezekiel 23:46 are union workers, socialists, democrats and anarchists (p.480)
46. In fulfillment of Ezekiel 24:15-19, God took away Russell’s desire for his wife by putting a spiritual plague over her which made her “dead” in the eyes of Russell (p.483, p.484)
47. God will destroy all of the churches on earth including all of its millions of members in 1918. It is expected that this will occur on or around April 27, 1918 (p.485, p.513, p.530)
48. All Jews will return to their native land according to God’s promise. Russell has been preaching the message Zionism since October 1910 (p.536, p.554, p.555)
49. In 1878, during the First Resurrection, God raised up the members of the Body of Christ, the “stem of David” (p.539)
50. According to Ezekiel 40:1, the establishment of the Kingdom on earth will occur 13 years after 1918 (p.569)