Hi Sea Breeze,
The dragon and the serpent are images of the devil. Death and hell are cast into the lake of fire, the lake is the image which literally is the second death or eternal death.
Death and the grave cannot be picked up and tossed anywhere. The beast is not literal since no beast has seven heads. You cannot literally torment an abstraction dispite the fact that it is personified.
One verse in the whole Bible which contradicts the sentence given Adam, dust thou aren't and to dust thou shall return. Apart from the ransom of Christ, no one would be eligible for a resurrection. And that one verse is in a book of symbols in a highly symbolic passage and yet many conclude much literal information from it.
We could start a thread on this...something like:
"Is the Watchtower Right About Hell?"
IMO The good news they got entirely wrong, the bad news for the wicked, they got right.