One of the important truths I would like to elicit from JWs is the fact that their faith is in men rather than the Bible.
How important is truth to you?
If you didn't have the truth, would you want to know it?
1. How much faith do you have in the Bible? (complete?)
2. Do you view the scriptures the same way the Apostle Paul did? (II Tim.3:15, 16)
3. Do you believe your religion is clearly biblical?
4. Could someone studying the Bible alone come up with exactly what you believe?
5. Do you believe that someone who only has the Bible can read it and be saved?
6. What role does the Bible actually play in determining your religious beliefs?
7. Would you say that your faith is primarily in the Bible or is it primarily in your religious leaders (i.e.; those taking the lead) and their interpretations of the Bible?
8. Could there be a discrepancy between what your religion teaches and what the Bible teaches? Has there ever been?
9. Does new light or doctrinal modifications made by your religious leaders act as a corrective to change what you believe the Bible teaches?
10. Could the Bible ever act as a corrective to change your beliefs contrary to what your religions leaders teach?
11. If a person puts his complete trust in a Bible scholar, with an “if he says it, I believe it” attitude, would his faith ultimately be in the Bible or the scholar?
12. If you somehow lost faith in your religion's primary leadership, would you lose your faith in God and the Bible?