Does she know anything about the characteristics of Christian cults?
One is that they paint all other churches with the same ugly brush.
if jw wants to know the truth about the truth, what will you talk about first?
Does she know anything about the characteristics of Christian cults?
One is that they paint all other churches with the same ugly brush.
if jw wants to know the truth about the truth, what will you talk about first?
One of the important truths I would like to elicit from JWs is the fact that their faith is in men rather than the Bible.
How important is truth to you?
If you didn't have the truth, would you want to know it?
1. How much faith do you have in the Bible? (complete?)
2. Do you view the scriptures the same way the Apostle Paul did? (II Tim.3:15, 16)
3. Do you believe your religion is clearly biblical?
4. Could someone studying the Bible alone come up with exactly what you believe?
5. Do you believe that someone who only has the Bible can read it and be saved?
6. What role does the Bible actually play in determining your religious beliefs?
7. Would you say that your faith is primarily in the Bible or is it primarily in your religious leaders (i.e.; those taking the lead) and their interpretations of the Bible?
8. Could there be a discrepancy between what your religion teaches and what the Bible teaches? Has there ever been?
9. Does new light or doctrinal modifications made by your religious leaders act as a corrective to change what you believe the Bible teaches?
10. Could the Bible ever act as a corrective to change your beliefs contrary to what your religions leaders teach?
11. If a person puts his complete trust in a Bible scholar, with an “if he says it, I believe it” attitude, would his faith ultimately be in the Bible or the scholar?
12. If you somehow lost faith in your religion's primary leadership, would you lose your faith in God and the Bible?
i have a question for those more versed in biblical history than i. .
knowing that a belief in a resurrection on messianic times was a later jewish belief ... but still ... did the ot jews believe that someone served a capital punishment / death sentence would be elegible for future resurrection?.
meaning: when coding the torah, did its writers intended that the capital punishment also be understood as an obliteration for all eternity?.
Paul was talking about death to the flesh in Romans 6; that we are dead to sin when alive to God.
If sin were atoned for by man's physical death, there would be no further consequences, and no further judgment. But Jesus said, by our words men will be absolved or condemned. The resurrection of the just is to life, the resurrection of the unjust is to judgment.
i have a question for those more versed in biblical history than i. .
knowing that a belief in a resurrection on messianic times was a later jewish belief ... but still ... did the ot jews believe that someone served a capital punishment / death sentence would be elegible for future resurrection?.
meaning: when coding the torah, did its writers intended that the capital punishment also be understood as an obliteration for all eternity?.
Wow...I never heard a JW say Hitler was coming back and given a chance to gain eternal life.
By saying they got the bad news right I was referring specifically to their view of final punishment as annihilation.
i have a question for those more versed in biblical history than i. .
knowing that a belief in a resurrection on messianic times was a later jewish belief ... but still ... did the ot jews believe that someone served a capital punishment / death sentence would be elegible for future resurrection?.
meaning: when coding the torah, did its writers intended that the capital punishment also be understood as an obliteration for all eternity?.
Hi Sea Breeze,
The dragon and the serpent are images of the devil. Death and hell are cast into the lake of fire, the lake is the image which literally is the second death or eternal death.
Death and the grave cannot be picked up and tossed anywhere. The beast is not literal since no beast has seven heads. You cannot literally torment an abstraction dispite the fact that it is personified.
One verse in the whole Bible which contradicts the sentence given Adam, dust thou aren't and to dust thou shall return. Apart from the ransom of Christ, no one would be eligible for a resurrection. And that one verse is in a book of symbols in a highly symbolic passage and yet many conclude much literal information from it.
We could start a thread on this...something like:
"Is the Watchtower Right About Hell?"
IMO The good news they got entirely wrong, the bad news for the wicked, they got right.
i have a question for those more versed in biblical history than i. .
knowing that a belief in a resurrection on messianic times was a later jewish belief ... but still ... did the ot jews believe that someone served a capital punishment / death sentence would be elegible for future resurrection?.
meaning: when coding the torah, did its writers intended that the capital punishment also be understood as an obliteration for all eternity?.
Right JoenB75,
This mortal must put on immortality...every Christian will be raised immortal. The only time eternal and torment are juxtaposed in the entire Bible is in a symbolic book (Rev. 20:10) and applies to the devil, the seven headed beast and the false prophet.
i have a question for those more versed in biblical history than i. .
knowing that a belief in a resurrection on messianic times was a later jewish belief ... but still ... did the ot jews believe that someone served a capital punishment / death sentence would be elegible for future resurrection?.
meaning: when coding the torah, did its writers intended that the capital punishment also be understood as an obliteration for all eternity?.
Sea Breeze,
None of the verses you brought out on the fate of the wicked speak of external consciousness, inate immortality or endless torment.
I recommend an inexpensive book that is available on Amazon entitled, "Eternal Torment-Image and Reality. It deals with every verse Old and New Testament...looking for eternal torment, eternal consciousness and immortality of the soul.
I know the author well. Check the back cover because you know him as well.
just saw the following you tube video.
it’s 3 hours long, but thoroughly interesting.
if you want to save yourself 3 hours, basically the active mormon church is about 3 million.
LDS Total population | |
16,663,663 United States6,592,195 | |
highly illuminating video..
i thought these bible cryptologists were all nuts.
this guy changed my mind..
The author credits a heavenly source for the codes.
highly illuminating video..
i thought these bible cryptologists were all nuts.
this guy changed my mind..
Highly illuminating video.
I thought these Bible cryptologists were all nuts. This guy changed my mind.