I finally made a video entitled, "Lazarus and the Rich Man: Parable or Parody".
I'd like some feedback if you have the time and inclination.
the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!.
thank you for your kind patience.
his request to have lazarus dip the "tip" of his finger in "water" and "cool" his "tongue," tells us: there is no water in the world of the dead.
I finally made a video entitled, "Lazarus and the Rich Man: Parable or Parody".
I'd like some feedback if you have the time and inclination.
quite bizarrely, there are people trying their level best to blur the lines between man and woman, male and female.. so, i thought it a fairly good idea to list the differences, on average, between men and women.. ok, starting with the most obvious .... women have a vulva, a vagina, and internal gonads (ovaries); men have a penis and external gonads (testes).. women get pregnant, give birth and breastfeed their babies; men do none of those things.. men are taller than women.. men have greater upper-body strength than women.
men have greater bone density and percentage of muscle mass than women.. women live longer than men (this is partly due to life choices and behaviour and partly due to genetics).. men have higher testosterone levels than women.. men heal more quickly from physical injury than women.. the sexual dynamics between men and women tend to be different, too.
re sexual selection, women typically have their choice of the most suitable men.
Or shipping preferences....
im in the midst of doing an audit of my online presence, and found that, shockingly, this account is still active.
since there is no way to change the password that i can find, im curious if the account can just be outright deleted?.
Do you wish to delete your account because you have changed your mind about things?
hello i’m looking to delete this account completely ya know.
So what's motivating you to delete your account, change your current status and publish once again? Got family in?
hello i’m looking to delete this account completely ya know.
Do you believe being reinstated will help?
hello i’m looking to delete this account completely ya know.
Are you thinking of changing your apostate status?
looking for a laugh.... listen to this gal's response to tony's encouragement to donate.. https://youtu.be/mvjv__r7xaw.
Looking for a laugh.... listen to this gal's response to Tony's encouragement to donate.
now, many years later, i remember the 1995 generation change, very well.. since early youth, hearing my father explaining in field service the 2520 years.
it was his main theme in the field.. with the change my doubts started.
with some jw friends we did not trust the organization anymore.
The Watchtower promised that many of the original GC members would be alive to survive Armageddon. The GC were first identified by Rutherford in that famous 1935 Washington convention. If the oldest JW at that convention was 15 he would be 101 today. Watchtower leaders never keep their promises.
Here is Mark Jones' reply
I was a 100% devoted Jehovah’s Witness. So much so that I had read literally every Watchtower book and magazine I ever heard of. I even began to work my way through old Watchtower and Awake! magazines. I got as far as the stuff printed in 1956 before I left entirely. There is no one reason, but actually a cumilation of reasons that just piled up to make it impossible to stay in the religion:
When an honest man is proven wrong, he either stops being wrong or stops being honest. - Anon.
How do I feel about the Jehovah’s Witnesses? I love them. I genuinely wish no harm or ill toward any of them. It’s the Watchtower society that I take issue with. Jehovah’s Witnesses dont know that they’re being manipulated, kept in the dark, used and lied to every day by their leaders. The very fact that they’re not allowed to talk to ex-members or read anything that criticizes the Watchtower society shows that the Watchtower society knows it’s manipulating it’s members.
It’s my hope that more people will evaluate and investigate their own religion and go where the evidence takes them.
imagine the "faithful" jws who are now having to talk to this person by court order or face the consequences----legally.. exjws are spreading the news and now some exjws who have been disfellowshipped for years are starting to research to see if this is an option in their country.
here are the articles, you need to translate in google.
What difference will a court order make in terms of how this woman will be treated by the congregation?