I am having an ongoing discussion with a JW who claimed that believing their eschatology was not important. I responded by asking:
Hi Rey,
1. If Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t make a big deal about their 1914 eschatology, will they baptize someone who rejects the idea that Daniel 4 has anything to do with Christ's parousia?
2. Will Jehovah’s Witnesses baptize someone who does not believe Christ appointed anyone in 1919?
3. If they continue in their rejection of these understandings, might they still be God approved and saved because of their faith in Christ and His salvation?
His Theocratic warfare response was:
1- This is a false dichotomy.
2- Yes.
3- Yes.
The opinions you are expressing are based on fundamental misunderstandings of our perspective. And you're aware of that. I'd refer you to 1 Peter 3.
Hi Rey,
I read I Peter 3. Not sure of any point you intended to make. Also I am not aware of any specific misunderstandings I have of your beliefs, so do clarify those for me. I want to be accurate in all that I write or say.
The video above demonstrates how I see the function of the governing body and watchtower. Your suggestion that we idolize men is incorrect.
We have had many conversations, and I try to ask what you believe. I sometimes misunderstand where your stance actually is, but I hope you'll have noticed by now that when you say “no, that doesn't actually represent what I believe,” I accept you at your word and attempt to ask for clarification, rather than pushing an accusation that I know your beliefs better than you do and “preterists really believe (this or that).”
Hey Rey
No matter how you look at it, your faith is in men, not the Bible.
Will Jehovah’s Witnesses offer Christian baptism to someone who believes in Christ but holds that the 8 men taking the lead in New York are not appointed by God?
I do not believe that, nor would I ever encourage anyone else to. What you are presenting is quite the opposite of what I believe, and I'm still curious why you seem so insistent to define my beliefs for me. What do you believe you might accomplish? Who are you arguing against?
Hi Rey,
What don't you believe Rey?
Why not just answer my questions?
1.Will Jehovah’s Witnesses baptize someone who they know rejects the idea that Daniel 4 has anything to do with Christ's parousia?
2.Will Jehovah’s Witnesses baptize someone who they know believes the parousia has not happened yet?
3.Will Jehovah’s Witnesses baptize someone who they know believes that Jesus Christ has not yet appointed men to be ruler over his household as per Matthew 24:45–47?
4.Will Jehovah's Witnesses baptize people who they know reject that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the Faithful Slave of Matthew 24?