Good to see Blondie and Lee back on the forum!
My bet is that Ray was ready to meet his Maker when he left us.
blondie, it's so nice to hear from you after a two year break.
i didn't notice your return 10 days ago.
i'm so excited to read all your new posts.. i hope life has treated you well over the last two years.. i think about you every now and then and others do as well.
Good to see Blondie and Lee back on the forum!
My bet is that Ray was ready to meet his Maker when he left us.
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
e) the anointed generation (I don't think this is still an option)
f) the overlapping generation (but still the 1914 generation)
Interestingly, every time Jesus specified (hutos genea) this generation in all 4 gospels, it always referred to his own unbelieving generation.
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Hi Jammer,
I have run into those that say the temple's destruction was not complete because the retaining wall is still there; so this is still future. Glad you are not one of them.
So can you identify the generation you believe Jesus was referring in Matthew 24:34?
a. the 1914 generation exclusively
b. both the 1914 generation and Jesus' generation
c. solely Jesus' generation
d, other, please identify
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Fisherman you are not making any sense.
The context of the fleeing is not symbolic. Can you explain the so called symbolism employed in text below? What does Judaea represent? housetops, fields, clothes. with child, Sabbath day, winter. "Your flight" means that some in Christ's audience would experience the vengeance of God if they could not escape in time. Your organization acknowledges this.
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Van: And are you praying that your flight will not occur in winter or on a Sabbath day?
Scholar: No
Fisherman: Yes
So Fisherman, are you being deceitful or are you telling the truth? I do not talk to people who are dishonest.. All liars will have their part in the lake of fire. We are not here to win debating points. We are here to find and share truth. So is the truth that you do or you don't pray that your flight wont be in winter or on a Sabbath Day, literally or symbolically. Don't make stuff up when you are talking to me.
So Scholar...are you saying that Jesus was warning people in his generation exclusively to pray that their flight not be in winter or on a Sabbath Day?
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Hi Jammer,
Are you saying that the temple was not fully destroyed so that nothing in Matthew 24 applies to Christ's generation?
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
So what generation do you believe Jesus was referring in Matthew 24:34?
a. the 1914 generation exclusively?
b. the 21st century generation exclusively?
c. other?
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
@ Fisherman,
All Christians should be aware that the Parousia will happen and be ready when it does. But the timing can not be anticipated. And when it does occur no one will be wondering if it happened or not.
THE OLIVET DISCOURSE; Parallels: Luke 21:7, Mark 13:4
Is it possible that Matthew 24 (verses 1-35) was entirely fulfilled in the first century?
"generation" was Christ referring to in Matthew 24:34? (the
time text)
- To which generation was Christ referring in Matthew 23:36?
If the judicial sentence & prophetic woe of Mat.23:36
applies to Christ's generation, would not the exact same
terminology in Mat.24:34 have the same application?
a. "all these things" were to happen to the 20th century generation exclusively.
Impossible: conversation centers on "these stones" which were knocked down in 70 AD.
Impossible Lu.21:23-24 states that subsequent to great distress, Jews were to be led captive to all nations which occurred immediately after the 70 AD destruction.
"all these things" were to happen to both
Christ's generation and our generation. (dual fulfillment theory)
- Impossible: -these buildings and are already destroyed.
- Impossible -Jews are not to be led captive into all nations again at Christ's second coming.
- Impossible -Matt.24:21 precludes dual fulfillment.
"all these things" were to happen to Christ's generation
Hmmm...possible only if it can be shown that "all these things" declared before verse 34 actually did happen to the generation Jesus addressed ?
QUESTION: Was Matthew 24: 1 - 35 entirely fulfilled in the first century?
ANSWER: Absolutely!
To disprove this conclusion one would have to find something in verses 1-35 that clearly did not happen in the first century A.D.
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Hi Fisherman,
<<No. I already explained that it would seem like normal times to people who took no note. If actually normal times nothing to notice.>>
The point is that the people in Noah's day were carrying on as normal totally unaware of the coming deluge or they would have prepared for it. The same will be the case when at the coming (Parousia) of Christ. It will be a complete surprise (the timing unknown to believers as well.)
"In a time that you think not, the Son of Man will come.
35 For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. 36 Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
@ Fisherman
Sorry, but you are still speaking gobbledygook. Try making sense.
How are you praying that your flight will not be in winter or on a Sabbath Day? Let me start the prayer for you...
"Dear Jehovah, when I flee Jerusalem and head for the mountains beyond Judea, please let it not be......."
Finish that will you... without more gobbledygook!
wt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Sorry, but you are speaking gobbledygook. Try making sense.
Note that Jesus ' words. The Parousia would take place in normal times, while unsuspecting people were having fun, not during a world War. No man would be aware as in the days of Noah. Of course Jesus had no idea that Barbour and Russell could figure 1874 out. Trust the scriptures, not your organizations speculations.
36¶But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.37But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.42Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.43But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.