Found it.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
"Jehovah God"
by Jeffro inthe expression "jehovah god" has always seemed strange to me.
even when i was a jw, i found the term awkward, and never used it myself.
both words are nouns intended to be synonyms of each other, unless the name "jehovah" is being used as an adjective, which is also weird.
"Jehovah God"
by Jeffro inthe expression "jehovah god" has always seemed strange to me.
even when i was a jw, i found the term awkward, and never used it myself.
both words are nouns intended to be synonyms of each other, unless the name "jehovah" is being used as an adjective, which is also weird.
I'm looking for the video where Geoffrey Jackson admits Yahweh is closer to the divine name than Jehovah. Anyone come across this?
ALL babies are "little enemies of God"...
by BoogerMan instraight from the horse's gb's mouth - from the 2022 convention broadcast.. it's at the 38 min.
30 secs.
point of the jw broadcast:
Juli Vetter writes:
The only undercover JWs I know of are PIMOs. Physically In Mentally Out.
They stay in the cult because they will be shunned by every JW including family if they leave.
The PIMOs have been a great help in exposing this abusive cult.
They often leak information to former cult members. This information includes letters to the elders and congregations, videos, literature, policy changes and more.
We see all of this before the JWs do and pass it along to anyone interested, especially the general public.
These PIMOs are often elders, bethel workers, and any other JW wanting to expose this corrupt organization.
Speaking of videos, here is a snippet from a talk at their 2022 convention which can be seen on their website now.
JWs must look at their babies as enemies of god.
Hear the insanity for yourself.
Jesus is Michael the Archangel
by Fisherman inonly jesus has the power and authority to defeat satan and kick him out of heaven:.
“now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our god and the authority of his christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our god.”.
10 reasons why Jesus cannot be Michael the Archangel.
By Robert Skynner BD (Hons).
Scripture mentions Michael five times at: Daniel 10:13, 21, 12:1, Jude 9 and finally at Revelation 12:7. However, none of these verses states openly or even hints that Jesus Christ is Michael. The Watchtower did once teach that Michael wasn’t the Son of God (Zion’s Watchtower, November 1879, page 48), but this position has subsequently been reversed; (Watchtower 15th February 1979 on page 31).
1. Hebrews 1:4 states that Christ isn’t an angel, for he’s: “so much better than the angels.” The explanation is given in the previous verse, where the image of an image stamped by a seal in hot wax is made, to illustrate the fact that Christ and the Father share the same divine nature. So this is why he’s superior to the angels.
2. At Acts 17:31 and 1st Timothy 2:5 Christ in his post-resurrection state is described by the apostles Luke and Paul as still being ‘a man!’ Indeed, Acts 17:31 even states emphatically that it will be as a man and not as an angel that Jesus Christ will judge the world, at the judgement at the consummation of the age.
3. The angels refuse to accept worship see Revelation 22:8-9. And yet at Hebrews 1:6 God the Father here directly commands the angels to worship his Son; Jesus Christ. “Let all the angels of God worship him” (Hebrews 1:6, 1961 NWT, and all other translations).
4. Michael was unable to rebuke Satan, and instead said; ‘the Lord rebuke you’ (Jude 9, TEB), also translated as ‘may Jehovah rebuke you’ (Jude 9, NWT 1961 edition). Yet Jesus Christ rebuked Satan, and clearly did so himself at Matthew 4:10, where the 1961 edition NWT states that Christ rebuked Satan by stating: “Go sway Satan! For it is written, ‘it is Jehovah your God you must worship, and to him alone you must render service.’ ”
5. At Daniel 10:13 Michael isn’t identified as God’s Son, and neither is he spoken of as unique in any sense. For Michael is identified in the plural as “one of the chief princes.” So as Michael is only one angel amongst a company of fellow senior angels as Daniel 10:13 so clearly states. Then Christ, who is uniquely the ‘only Son’ of God (John 3:16, 1st John 4:9-14), and that by his ontological nature (Hebrews 1:3), cannot also at the very same time also be Michael, a mere archangel, and one angel amongst a company of similar angels.
6. At Hebrews 1:13 God the Father makes a direct quotation of Psalm 110:1 specifically with regard to Jesus: “But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?” Now if Christ were really Michael the archangel, then this verse wouldn’t make any sense. For the entire purpose of this passage is to convey that Christ only sits at his Father’s right hand, which in Jewish terminology means a position of authority and rank, purposely because he isn’t an angel at all, but because he’s God’s Son.
7. We read at Hebrews 2:5 concerning the world to come, which Jehovah’s Witnesses must interpret as their promised paradise earth that it will not be a world which will be in subjection to angels. However, at Hebrews 2:8, in this age to come we notice that all things, which must include the entire earth itself will be complete subject to Christ. So Christ therefore cannot be an angel.
8. How can Jesus be Michael the Archangel, when according to John 14:9 to see Jesus is to see God the Father: “He who has seen me has seen the Father.” But how can a mere archangel, who is someone other than Yahweh God, reveal God the Father (Yahweh) to us? For only Yahweh God can genuinely reveal himself, and it’s utterly impossible for someone other than God to reveal God to us. Could you the reader for instance reveal God to me by the force of your own will, can this be achieved by effort and determination? Of course not, and for the obvious reason that because you yourself are not God therefore you can’t reveal someone or something that you are not. One final point, Jesus’ use of the Greek verb for ‘see’ which is ‘horao’ means that he wasn’t claiming that he (Jesus) was God the Father as modalists such as Oneness Pentecostals and Branhamites will claim. If he had wish to imply this, then Jesus would have here used the Greek verb ‘blepo’ instead of ‘horao.’
9. When Christ returns at his second coming, we’re specifically told at 1st John 3:2 that at our own resurrection that “we shall be like him.” But, the Bible states at Acts 17:31 and 1st Timothy 2:5 that Christ in his post-resurrection state is described by the apostles Luke and Paul as ‘a man!’ (Greek: anthropos). There’s no mention of Christ being Michael the Archangel. However, if the Jehovah’s Witnesses do indeed believe that Christ was recreated as an archangel, then because we’ll be just like him, if he’s now an archangel, then that would mean that in their paradise earth, all Jehovah’s Witnesses will also lose their own human natures and be made into archangels, just like their own false Jesus!
10. 1st Corinthians 6:3 speaking of God’s people, states that they will soon judge angels: “Know ye not that we shall judge angels?” However, if Jesus Christ is the Archangel Michael, who became this angel once again after his crucifixion, when his body dissolved into gasses, but was then recreated by Jehovah as the archangel Michael. Then to be consistent shouldn’t Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that one day they’ll judge Jesus Christ?
© Robert Skynner 16th June 2006. Duplication and posting of this essay online is encouraged, provided that this work isn’t edited or changed other than stylistically. My e-mail address should anyone wish to contact me is: [email protected] I’m a former Oneness Pentecostal now saved by grace rather than by my own works.
The resurrected will not get a change of clothes in the New System
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | september 2022.
20 what an exciting time the thousand year reign will be!
it will include the greatest educational program ever undertaken here on earth.
For dramatic effect a young Charles Russell should have been the one up-front doing the teaching.
The resurrected will not get a change of clothes in the New System
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | september 2022.
20 what an exciting time the thousand year reign will be!
it will include the greatest educational program ever undertaken here on earth.
No doubt the brother teaching is explaining that the feet of the Great image predicted Roman to Anglo-America Rule which ended in 1914 C.E. when the kingdom was established as evidenced by WWI Daniel 2:33, 41-43
The bearded brother evidently is still being somewhat ostracized in the new system of things.
ALL babies are "little enemies of God"...
by BoogerMan instraight from the horse's gb's mouth - from the 2022 convention broadcast.. it's at the 38 min.
30 secs.
point of the jw broadcast:
Here is the cut
Fascinating Quotations of The Faithful Slave
by Vanderhoven7 indo you have any amazing quotations that have been produced by the faithful slave over the years?.
remember it's important that we should learn to love and value truth for it’s own sake; to respect and honor it by owning and acknowledging it wherever we find it and by whomever presented.
a truth presented by the faithful slave himself is just as true as a truth stated by god.. share some of those amazing quotations that have fascinated you.
Hi Baldeagle
I deliberately modified a quotation of Russell's which read
A truth presented by Satan himself is just as true as a truth stated by God.
- What is Truth? Zion's Watch Tower, (July 7, 1879).
JW Pets and Blood
by Vanderhoven7 inas a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
Sounds good to me Atlantis. I'll bring the beer.
Fascinating Quotations of The Faithful Slave
by Vanderhoven7 indo you have any amazing quotations that have been produced by the faithful slave over the years?.
remember it's important that we should learn to love and value truth for it’s own sake; to respect and honor it by owning and acknowledging it wherever we find it and by whomever presented.
a truth presented by the faithful slave himself is just as true as a truth stated by god.. share some of those amazing quotations that have fascinated you.
Thanks to Atlantis:
1945 Consolation.
Vertroosting (Dutch Consolation), September 1945,
blz. 29 Dutch:
"Wanneer wij ons leven verliezen,
doordat wij weigeren, inspuitingen te laten maken,
dient zulks niet tot een getuigenis,
ter rechtvaardiging van Jehovah`s Naam.
God heeft nooit bepalingen uitgevaardigd
die het gebruik van medicijnen, inspuitingen
of bloedtransfusie verbiedt."
Het is een uitvinding van menschen ,
die gelijk de Farizeeën Jehova's barmhartigheid
en liefde buiten beschouwing laten.
Jehova te dienen met geheel ons verstand beteekent
niet ons verstand uit te schakelen; vooral dan niet,
als het om een menschenleven gaat,
dat Jehova toegewijd en daarom heilig is".
English translation:
“When we lose our life, because we refuse inoculations,
that does not bear witness as a justification of Jehovah’s name.
God never issued regulations which prohibit the use of drugs, inoculations or blood transfusions.
It is an invention of people, who, like the Pharisees, leave Jehovah’s mercy and love aside. Jehovah to serve with all our reason, doesn't mean not to disconnect our reason in especially when it concerns a human life that is devoted to Jehovah and therefore it is holy."