One of the extra-biblical conditions of Watchtower baptism is that you believe Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE. You are unworthy to be accepted by Jehovah if you don't believe in a date in history. Repenting of your sins and turning to Christ for forgiveness won't help you unless you accept this date.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
20 Things I Don't Understand about Jehovah's Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 ini don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
<<All Christians going to heaven is nonsensical as I have unquestionably established.>>
You can make up anything you want and attach scriptures that do not support your conclusions.
No scripture you have referenced supports the idea that there are Christians out there who are not anointed, not justified and bereft of the heavenly hope...and that they are all associated with an organization headquartered in Warwick NY. This group only exists in your imagination.
The Bible is clear. All true believers
have eternal life I John 5:11-13...(compare WT Aug.15, 1945 p.253)
are completely forgiven I John 1:6
are sons of God John 1:12... (compare WT Aug.15, 1945 p.253)
are to partake of the emblems of Christ's death I Cor.11:25 John 6:53
are indwelt by the Holy Spirit Ro.8:9 are born again. Jn.3:3 I Cor.12:13
are justified by grace through faith in Christ Jesus? Ro.3:21-26
are declared righteous having Christ's righteousness imputed to them?
Ro.4: 22 - 25 I Cor. 6:11 I Cor 5:21 Acts 3:38-39 Ro.10:1-3
are members of the body of Christ? I Cor.12:27
share in the New Covenant mediated by Christ Heb.12:24
are entitled to share in the communion loaf and cup I Cor.10:16-17
share one hope and that was a heavenly one. II Tim.4:18
20 Things I Don't Understand about Jehovah's Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 ini don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
Watchtower leaders have been false teachers and incompetent Bible interpreters from the start.
But apparently you need to believe and trust in these men to be saved. Jesus can't save you without them. No Eternal life without association with and serving the Faithful Slave organization with headquarters in Warwick New York. Well perhaps that is what the NWT says, but I don't find this in my Bible.
20 Things I Don't Understand about Jehovah's Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 ini don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
My Dad followed the Witnesses for about 5 years, had questions which irritated the elders to the point that the PO choked him and demanded to know if he was trying to destroy his faith. That's when my Dad realized the religion was false and left the organization. All to say that I never became a Witness.
I listed what I don't understand about Watchtower religion to encourage Witnesses in a non-threatening way to explain/justify their the hope that some might see there real problems with their religion.
My first book is entitled, "Eternal Torment- Image and Reality" available at Amazon Books.
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
Romans 5:10 provides no bases for concluding there are two kinds of Christians, a priestly class and a non-priestly class.
All Christians are called on to live holy lives that we might also be a "holy priesthood" (1 Peter 2:5). All believers are "kings and priests".
Every Christian according to the Bible is holy, justified, a child of God, indwelt by the Holy Spirit and shares in one hope. The scriptures are clear on what a Christian is and possess.
20 Things I Don't Understand about Jehovah's Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 ini don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
Hi Wonderment
Great idea!
My problem is time. I am working on my second book, "Good News For Jehovah’s Witnesses ".
But perhaps someone would take up that challenge if it has not already been done.
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
Re: Luke 12:32
"Axiomatically does because only Christians are saved based on the ransom and nobody else. However Jesus refers to Christians with the heavenly hope as a little flock. Little flock compared to what?"
The little flock refers to the apostles and first believers, of whom it was literally true.
You have assumed a comparison that is not in the text.
Moreover you have added to the Bible an imaginary group of Christians who are not justified, not in the New Covenant, bereft of the indwelling Holy Spirit and the heavenly hope.
The End of the (Jewish) World
by fulltimestudent init really wasn't the end of the jewish world in70 ce, when the romans laid siege to jerusalem.
jewish thought, since it had developed a philosophical (i.e.
fictional) foundation, survived until today.
It really wasn't the END of the Jewish World in70 CE
Well it certainly spelled the end of the Jewish system of things when their temple was destroyed and their priesthood records lost, their sacrificial system ended.
Yoni Friedman writes:
How did the practice of Judaism change following the destruction of the second temple in 70 AD?1. All commandments pertaining to the temple and the proper ways to worship G-d via the temple became irrelevant, of course.
2. Many additional prayers were added in order to replace the sacrificial offerings that were regularly performed at the temple. The synagogues became the central places of worship instead of the temple, and the Rabbis became the sole representatives of the Jewish people once most of the tasks given to the priests ('kohanim') became irrelevant.
3. Much more emphasis was placed on the study of Torah (=the Old Testament) as well as the Oral Law presented in the Mishna and Talmud, and became the most important religious act in Jewish practice.
An excellent source: After the Destruction of the Second Temple. -
20 Things I Don't Understand about Jehovah's Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 ini don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
Well said UTR,
20 Things I Don't Understand about Jehovah's Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 ini don’t understand how jehovah’s witnesses can rightly claim:.
that less than 150,000 faithful christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.. .
I don’t understand how Jehovah’s Witnesses can rightly claim:
that less than 150,000 faithful Christians existed prior to the 20th century....when allegedly millions were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.
unique direction from Jehovah...when JW lives have been endangered and lost due to medical prohibitions (vaccinations, organ transplants) which are no longer applied.
that the innumerable Great Crowd are only Jehovah's Witnesses....when there are only 8.5 million JWs worldwide; a number we can all count.
that non-JWs who die just before the tribulation begins will be granted a resurrection and given a chance to gain eternal life .... whereas if those same people are still around months later, will be eternally destroyed at Armageddon. Everything depends on when you die.
that the 1914 generation will not pass away when babies born in 1914 are 108 years old today? (How long is a generation in the gospels?)
that the Daniel 4 prophecy of 2,520 prophetic 360 day years magically become 2,520 solar 365.25 day years to reach the magic year of 1914.
that the "7 trumpets of Revelation chapters 8 - 11" were 7 talks given at Bible Student conventions in the 1920s.
that the religion of JWs is biblical...when its foundations are completely based on invisible speculative events involving names dates and places not found in scripture.
that they know the date of the second advent of Christ when Jesus said no man knows the timing; JWs have been trying to prove him a liar for over 100 years.
that one need not be born again to be a Christian when Jesus said, you must be born again to see or be part of the kingdom of God.
that there are Christians living today to whom Jesus' command to partake of the emblems of His death does not apply.
that it is wrong to make oaths of allegiance in support of one's country and its political values yet they unhesitatingly sign oaths of allegiance to get their US passports.
that the wild beast of Revelation is the United Nations...yet at the same time join and supports the UN for close to 10 years (until 2001) as an NGO.
that they care about children who are sexually abused by members, yet do nothing to protect them from these pedophiles unless there are two or more witnesses to the abuse.
that they care about justice for pedophiles while encouraging parents of abused children not to report matters to police unless required by law...showing they are more interested in protecting the image of the organization.
that they have been chosen and directed by God and must be believed even though they are fallible and have a long history of mistakes and flip-flops on doctrines.
that in 1919 certain men were chosen and appointed by Christ in Brooklyn New York to be the Faithful and Discreet Slave spoken about in Matthew 24.
that ones salvation is tied to submission to 8 men in Warwick New York.
that the Bible bans the medical use of blood plasma and white blood cells.
Please feel free to add to this list
Please feel free to help me understand any of the 20 claims listed above,