Witnesses say the tribes are figurative but the total number of the figurative tribes is literal. They are not being consistent.
Why couldn't both the tribes and their numbers be figurative?
Doesn't exactly 12,000 from 12 symbolic tribes seem unlikely? What is each tribe a symbol of? Why couldn’t the total number of the tribes 144,000 be a symbol as well? Doesn’t this "suspiciously tidy sort of number seem much more likely to be a symbol than a statistic"?
Witnesses argue that the 144,000 must be literal because it is given in contrast to the innumerable number of "Great Multitude" members.
But they don’t take into account that this apparent contrast could be one of perspective (i.e. divine/human) rather than numerical literalness?
How is God to numerically express the entire church down through history? When you apply Christ's mustard seed analogy to the "Kingdom of Heaven", and the promise to Abraham of an innumerable progeny, wouldn't you be dealing with a sizable group? How is God to give a definite total for such an innumerable multitude? Why couldn't it be by a number which no man could number,- ie. by a symbol- which stands for completion and perfect symmetry?
David Chilton, in his commentary on Revelation entitled, "Days of Vengeance" says:
The tidy number 144,000 is obviously symbolic: twelve (the number of Israel) squared, then multiplied by 1000 (ten and its multiples symbolizing many; cf. Deut. 1:11; Ps.50:10; 68:17; 84:10; 90:4). St. John pictures for us the ideal Israel, Israel as it was meant to be, in all its perfection, symmetry, and completeness." (p.206)