Maxine Chevallier writes:
Jehovah “Removed him”. Mr. Morris has been DELETED.
Tony Morris is now a “small one and no longer a great one” in the eyes of the brothers and sisters. As if it ever made an ounce of any real difference.
He was harsh, bitterly critical of opposers and Apostates, ex-members who he called Jehovah enemies, gesturing one day with a match they would all vanish in a flash.
Morriss was swiftly and suddenly “DELETED” removed from Holy Office as jJehovahSpokesperson amongst the others inside the Governing Body of Elders. His name and Internet details and files have been speedily and most swiftly changed when compared with the time it took to change others who had left or retired from position…
This means in JW ORG “speak” but ONE dreadful thing. brother Morris must have been DELETED, Removed from Watchtower HQ by reason of undergoing a Judicial Committee action hearing, possibly for matters involving Alcoholism and causing serious “embarrassment” to Jehovah.
Anthony Morris is yesterday’s man. His Career in Jehovah’s Spirit Directed Organization has hit a terminal roadblock, a rock on the road upon which he has stumbled and fallen, and Satan Rejoices…Or so it will be said behind closed doors at Watchtower World headquarters.
Whether this is truly the last we have heard of Anthony Morris remains to be seen. Unconfirmed rumors speak of a possible link to a forthcoming high profile Child Sodomy abuse case nanamingnd implicating him (and by definition the rest of JJehovahFaithfull and Discreet slave calsclasster known by their earthly name as “The Governing Body of Elders”.
it is not beyond the realms of possibility that WTBTS Society Deleted Morris because he is shortly to be indicted by the US Federal court and orders for very punitive and expensive compensation payments against the Watchtower are about to be made
Jehovah does not like getting caught with his trousers down, so he has fired Morris and hopes to ride out the storm by saying he was NOT part of us when convicted.
In short, WTBTS seeks to EVADE Child abuse court compensation payment orders by firing Morris ahead of schedule and saving Millions which instead they have just “conveniently” invested in totally unnecessary office administration complexes in the New York States Oyster bay region.
Mere coincidence? Doubtful but we shall wait and see….