Jeremiah predicted that Israel would be freed from Babylonian captivity after 70 years (Jer 25:11, 12). Daniel 9 begins with Daniel noticing this prophecy (Dan 9:2). He then prayed earnestly for his people Israel. In this way, the 70 years set the stage for Daniel’s prayer and for the subsequent prophecy. Where do we find these 70 years in history?
The prophecy of Daniel 9 was received after the Babylonian Empire was already defeated by the Medo-Persian Empire (Dan 9:1). Have the 70 years already come to an end at that time?. And when did it begin?
Jerusalem was destroyed in BC 586/587 but that was not the beginning of the 70 years because the 70 years were not the period of Jerusalem’s desolation. It was the period of Babylonian rule (Jer 25:11). The 70 years, therefore, run from 609 BC, when Babylonians finally defeated Assyria, until 539 BC, when Cyrus conquered Babylon.
The detailed article is available here.
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