Lazarus and the rich man IS proof.
Can a spoof be proof?
The rich man is BEING tormented. There’s no supporting texts saying that it’s going to end. That’s proof enough to me. He’s burning and NOT dying.
The duration of the torment is not discussed. So there is no supporting proof that the torment is not going to end. It's just assumption that it will or will not end.
Verse 25 tell us why the rich man ended up in torment and Lazarus in Abraham's Bosom. Let me paraphrase here:
Abraham said, "SON, it's because Lazarus suffered torments in life and was poor and so he ended up in paradise ... but because you had a good life and had all you wanted, you are now in torments. It's only fair."
How do you think the Pharisees might have reacted to this story? I think it would mirror their response to the preceding allegory commending the covetous self-seeking steward. Good satire, subtly but forcefully, brings home moral or spiritual truths and at the same time leaves unworthy opponents speechless; unable to argue, without first acknowledging that they fit into the negative allegory....leaving them no choice but to attack the man rather than dealing with concepts he was challenging them with.
BTW, the headline in the Jerusalem Chronicle the next day was; "Jesus Turns The Table on The Pharisees in the Afterlife!"