Glad you have joined us Huxley!
The Watchtower historically has readily depended on newspaper exegesis coupled with eisegesis to determine Jehovah's eschatological agenda. Don't give the virus a second look as being part of an alleged "composite sign".
The organization has never had a clue about how to interpret Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. Further Jehovah tells us not to fear the words of those who make false predictions.
Jesus was giving his disciples a heads up as to when exactly to flee Jerusalem and Judaea and to.pray their flight would not be in winter or on a Sabbath (escape restrictions).
As for "that day", it will take place in normal times, people eating, drinking, marrying and working at jobs etc. No need to flee anywhere, saints will be taken. It will not be a local event, I.e., Jerusalem and Judaea but it will come as a snare on the entire earth, at a time that cannot be anticipated by newspaper exegesis or calculations of men. To be ready for that day will not depend on ones relationship with an organization, but with Jesus Christ himself.