Giles Gray writes
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses transparent about their core beliefs when out proselytizing?
If Jehovah’s Witnesses were open and honest about their core beliefs when they called at people’s doors, they would stand little chance of making any converts whatsoever.
Let’s consider two of the main reasons why Jehovah’s Witnesses knock on the doors of their neighbours:-
-- One reason is because of their belief that the ‘end of the world’ is imminent. They teach that their religion is the only ‘true’ religion being used by God on earth today, and anyone who does not belong to it or who fails to subject themselves to directions from the leaders, will soon be destroyed by Jesus in the ‘imminent’ war of Armageddon. The only way to survive Armageddon for those who hear the message preached by Jehovah’s Witnesses, is to submit to the Watchtower Organisation and obey every dictate from the leadership.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are not forthcoming with this doctrine when they first meet people in their ministry, because they are aware that if they presented the full facts, it’s likely that householders would find the arrogance of the claims offensive. So this teaching is revealed much later in the indoctrination process.
-- Another reason why Jehovah’s Witnesses call at people’s doors is to preach the ‘good news of the kingdom’.
They allege that Jesus invisibly returned and began to rule in 1914 and God’s Kingdom has been active ever since that year. They believe that Jehovah’s Witnesses were the only people who were ‘awake’ when the Lord returned and they uniquely have knowledge that this event has already taken place.
What they don’t tell you about this core belief is the fact that it was made up over a decade after the events of 1914 allegedly occurred, and apart from wild speculation, there is absolutely no good evidence that what they believe is true.
Jehovah’s Witnesses will also refrain from telling you that the leaders who concocted these prophetic pronouncements were not Divinely inspired, received no communication from God and only had their best guesses to guide them in their bible interpretations. This is still equally true of today’s Governing Body (the leaders of the religion) who continue to base their teachings on guesswork. This has resulted in their predictions consistently failing and requiring constant amendments and alterations. This information is kept back from newly interested people and even from believing members.
Instead the Governing Body proudly boast that they are being led by God, whilst at the same time contradicting themselves by denying this when they are called to account for their false or erroneous teachings. An essential aspect for the survival of the religion is their ‘doublespeak’, which can lead astray the unwary and those who are easily beguiled.
If the above facts were openly admitted by the Jehovah’s Witnesses when they call at householders’ doors, most people would see the organisation for what it is… merely a man made institution founded on false information and promoting falsehoods.