shall many be offended, and shall betray one another - To
illustrate this point, one sentence out of Tacitus (Annal. l. xv).
will be sufficient, who, speaking of the persecution under Nero,
says, At first several were seized, who confessed, and then by Their
Discovery a great multitude of others were convicted and executed.
prophets - Also
were to be raised up; such as Simon Magus and his followers; and the
false apostles complained of by St. Paul, 2
Corinthians 11:13,
who were deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles
of Christ. Such also were Hymeneus and Philetus, 2
Timothy 2:17, 2
Timothy 2:18.
love of many shall wax cold - By
reason of these trials and persecutions from without, and those
apostasies and false prophets from within, the love of many to Christ
and his doctrine, and to one another, shall grow cold. Some openly
deserting the faith, as Matthew
others corrupting it, asMatthew
and others growing indifferent about it, Matthew
Even at this early period there seems to have been a very
considerable defection in several Christian Churches; see Galatians
3:1-4; 2
Thessalonians 3:1,
etc.; 2
Timothy 1:15.
he that shall endure - The
persecutions that shall come - unto the end; to the destruction of
the Jewish polity, without growing cold or apostatizing - shall be
saved, shall be delivered in all imminent dangers, and have his soul
at last brought to an eternal glory. It is very remarkable that not a
single Christian perished in the destruction of Jerusalem, though
there were many there when Cestius Gallus invested the city; and, had
he persevered in the siege, he would soon have rendered himself
master of it; but, when he unexpectedly and unaccountably raised the
siege, the Christians took that opportunity to escape. See Eusebius,
Hist. Eccles lib. iii. c. 5, and Mr. Reading's note there; and see
the note here onMatthew
this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world - But,
notwithstanding these persecutions, there should be a universal
publication of the glad tidings of the kingdom, for a testimony to
all nations. God would have the iniquity of the Jews published every
where, before the heavy stroke of his judgments should fall upon
them; that all mankind, as it were, might be brought as witnesses
against their cruelty and obstinacy in crucifying and rejecting the
Lord Jesus.
all the world, εν
ολη τη οικουμενη .
Perhaps no more is meant here than the Roman empire; for it is beyond
controversy that πασαν
την οικουμενην, Luke
means no more than the whole Roman empire: as a decree for taxation
or enrolment from Augustus Caesar could have no influence but in the
Roman dominions; but see on Luke
(note). Tacitus informs us, Annal. l. xv., that, as early as the
reign of Nero, the Christians were grown so numerous at Rome as to
excite the jealousy of the government; and in other parts they were
in proportion. However, we are under no necessity to restrain the
phrase to the Roman empire, as, previously to the destruction of
Jerusalem, the Gospel was not only preached in the lesser Asia, and
Greece, and Italy, the greatest theatres of action then in the world;
but was likewise propagated as far north as Scythia; as far south as
Ethiopia; as far east as Parthia and India; and as far west as Spain
and Britain. On this point, Bishop Newton goes on to say, That there
is some probability that the Gospel was preached in the British
nations by St. Simon the apostle; that there is much greater
probability that it was preached here by St. Paul; and that there is
an absolute certainty that it was planted here in the times of the
apostles, before the destruction of Jerusalem. See his proofs.
Dissert. vol. ii. p. 235, 236. edit. 1758. St. Paul himself
speaks, Colossians
1:6, Colossians
of the Gospel's being come into All The World, and preached To Every
Creature under heaven. And in his Epistle to the Romans, Romans
he very elegantly applies to the lights of the Church, what the
psalmist said of the lights of heaven. Their sound went into All The
Earth, and their words unto the End of the World. What but the wisdom
of God could foretell this? and what but the power of God could
accomplish it?
shall the end come - When this general publication of
the Gospel shall have taken place, then a period shall be put to the
whole Jewish economy, by the utter destruction of their city and
abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel - This
abomination of desolation, St. Luke, ( Luke
21:20, Luke
refers to the Roman army; and this abomination standing in the holy
place is the Roman army besieging Jerusalem; this, our Lord says, is
what was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, in the ninth and eleventh
chapters of his prophecy; and so let every one who reads these
prophecies understand them; and in reference to this very event they
are understood by the rabbins. The Roman army is called an
abomination, for its ensigns and images, which were so to the Jews.
Josephus says, (War, b. vi. chap. 6), the Romans brought their
ensigns into the temple, and placed them over against the eastern
gate, and sacrificed to them there. The Roman army is therefore fitly
called the abomination, and the abomination which maketh desolate, as
it was to desolate and lay waste Jerusalem; and this army besieging
Jerusalem is called by St. Mark, Mark
standing where it ought not, that is, as in the text here, the holy
place; as not only the city, but a considerable compass of ground
about it, was deemed holy, and consequently no profane persons should
stand on it.
let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains - This
counsel was remembered and wisely followed by the Christians
afterwards. Eusebius and Epiphanius say, that at this juncture, after
Cestius Gallus had raised the siege, and Vespasian was approaching
with his army, all who believed in Christ left Jerusalem and fled to
Pella, and other places beyond the river Jordan; and so they all
marvellously escaped the general shipwreck of their country: not one
of them perished. See on Matthew
him which is on the house top - The houses of the
Jews, as well as those of the ancient Greeks and Romans, were
flat-roofed, and had stairs on the outside, by which persons might
ascend and descend without coming into the house. In the eastern
walled cities, these flat-roofed houses usually formed continued
terraces from one end of the city to the other; which terraces
terminated at the gates. He, therefore, who is walking on the house
top, let him not come down to take any thing out of his house; but
let him instantly pursue his course along the tops of the houses, and
escape out at the city gate as fast as he can.
thing - Instead of τι,
any thing, we should read τα,
the things; which reading is supported by all the best MSS.,
versions, and fathers.
let him which is in the field return back - Because
when once the army of the Romans sits down before the city, there
shall be no more any possibility of escape, as they shall never
remove till Jerusalem be destroyed.
woe unto them (alas! for them) that are with child, etc. - For
such persons are not in a condition to make their escape; neither can
they bear the miseries of the siege. Josephus says the houses were
full of women and children that perished by the famine; and that the
mothers snatched the food even out of their own children's mouths.
See War, b. v. c. 10. But he relates a more horrid story than this,
of one Mary, the daughter of Eliezar, illustrious for her family and
riches, who, being stripped and plundered of all her goods and
provisions by the soldiers, in hunger, rage, and despair, killed and
boiled her own sucking child, and had eaten one half of him before it
was discovered. This shocking story is told, War, b. vi. c. 3, with
several circumstances of aggravation.
pray ye that your flight be not in the winter - For
the hardness of the season, the badness of the roads, the shortness
of the days, and the length of the nights, will all be great
impediments to your flight. Rabbi Tanchum observes, "that the
favor of God was particularly manifested in the destruction of the
first temple, in not obliging the Jews to go out in the winter, but
in the summer." See the place in Lightfoot.
on the Sabbath-day - That you may not raise the
indignation of the Jews by travelling on that day, and so suffer that
death out of the city which you had endeavored to escape from within.
Besides, on the Sabbath-days the Jews not only kept within doors, but
the gates of all the cities and towns in every place were kept shut
and barred; so that their flight should be on a Sabbath, they could
not expect admission into any place of security in the land.
Lord had ordered his followers to make their escape from Jerusalem
when they should see it encompassed with armies; but how could this
be done? God took care to provide amply for this. In the twelfth year
of Nero, Cestius Gallus, the president of Syria, came against
Jerusalem with a powerful army. He might, says Josephus, War, b. ii.
c. 19, have assaulted and taken the city, and thereby put an end to
the war; but without any just reason, and contrary to the expectation
of all, he raised the siege and departed. Josephus remarks, that
after Cestius Gallus had raised the siege, "many of the
principal Jewish people, πολλοι
των επιφανων Ιουδαιων,
forsook the city, as men do a sinking ship." Vespasian was
deputed in the room of Cestius Gallus, who, having subdued all the
country, prepared to besiege Jerusalem, and invested it on every
side. But the news of Nero's death, and soon after that of Galba, and
the disturbances that followed, and the civil wars between Otho and
Vitellius, held Vespasian and his son Titus in suspense. Thus the
city was not actually besieged in form till after Vespasian was
confirmed in the empire, and Titus was appointed to command the
forces in Judea. It was in those incidental delays that the
Christians, and indeed several others, provided for their own safety,
by flight. In Luke
our Lord says of Jerusalem, Thine enemies shall cast a trench about
thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side.
Accordingly, Titus, having made several assaults without success,
resolved to surround the city with a wall, which was, with incredible
speed, completed in three days! The wall was thirty-nine furlongs in
length, and was strengthened with thirteen forts at proper distances,
so that all hope of safety was cut off; none could make his escape
from the city, and no provisions could be brought into it. See
Josephus, War, book v. c. 12.
then shall be great tribulation - No
history can furnish us with a parallel to the calamities and miseries
of the Jews: - rapine, murder, famine, and pestilence within: fire
and sword, and all the horrors of war, without. Our Lord wept at the
foresight of these calamities; and it is almost impossible for any
humane person to read the relation of them in Josephus without
weeping also. St. Luke, Luke
calls these the days of vengeance, that all things which were written
might be fulfilled.
were the days in which all the calamities predicted by Moses, Joel,
Daniel, and other prophets, as well as those predicted by our
Savior, met in one common center, and were fulfilled in the most
terrible manner on that generation.
These were the days of vengeance in another sense, as if God's
judgments had certain periods and revolutions; for it is remarkable
that the temple was burned by the Romans in the same month, and on
the same day of the month, on which it had been burned by the
Babylonians. See Josephus, War, b. vi. c. 4.
those days should be shortened - Josephus computes
the number of those who perished in the siege at eleven hundred
thousand, besides those who were slain in other places, War, b. vi.
c. 9; and if the Romans had gone on destroying in this manner, the
whole nation of the Jews would, in a short time, have been entirely
extirpated; but, for the sake of the elect, the Jews, that they might
not be utterly destroyed, and for the Christians particularly, the
days were shortened. These, partly through the fury of the zealots on
one hand, and the hatred of the Romans on the other; and partly
through the difficulty of subsisting in the mountains without houses
or provisions, would in all probability have been all destroyed,
either by the sword or famine, if the days had not been shortened.
The besieged themselves helped to shorten those days by their
divisions and mutual slaughters; and by fatally deserting their
strong holds, where they never could have been subdued, but by famine
alone. So well fortified was Jerusalem, and so well provided to stand
a siege, that the enemy without could not have prevailed, had it not
been for the factions and seditions within. When Titus was viewing
the fortifications after the taking of the city, he could not help
ascribing his success to God. "We have fought," said he,
"with God on our side; and it is God who pulled the Jews out of
these strong holds: for what could machines or the hands of men avail
against such towers as these?" War, b. vi. c. 9.