Here is my understanding as I see scripture.
Eternal life according to John is knowing (ginosko) both Father and Son. Jesus says that no one knows the Father but the Son and to whoever the Son will reveal Him . I am the Way the Truth and the one comes to the Father except through me. There are no exceptions.
The Holy Spirit glorifies and reveals the Son, the Son the Father unselfishly blessing the other.... and the world, calling men to repentance and faith.
It is not a competition. But the problem with Jehovah's Witnesses is that they have reduced the Son to a creature. They do not glorify the Son nor do they honor Him as they think they do the Father. They do not call on Him as all NT Christians did, they do not come to Him and fellowship with Him or share their burdens with Him as He asks. They have no relationship with Jesus other than to tack His unglorious name onto their prayers. They cannot even say, "Thank you Jesus for dying for me!" Oh yes they say, I have a relationship with Jesus... and yet they have never communicated or directed one syllable His way.
They must be born again, by receiving the Spirit of Christ or they will remain in darkness without seeing or entering God's kingdom.
It's Jesus ... or no Jehovah. That's the way God planned it. You don't get to Jesus through Jehovah. It's the other way round.