Do you believe Jesus made God's name known by incessantly repeating the correct syllables thereof? The Tetragrammaton was already known and appeared close to 7000 times in the Hebrew scriptures. Or did Jesus manifest God's name by revealing His character, His nature, His intentions, His love, .i.e., His true identity.... by His words and works of love and grace. Jesus manifested His person, not by repeating Yahovah, Yahweh or Yaho a hundred times a day so that people would be sure to pronounce the name correctly.
What further evidence do you need to see that pronouncing the correct syllables of God's name is unimportant. The fact that you do not see the divine name on the lips of Jesus or His apostles once in the reliable New Testament should make that clear.
Jesus revealed God's intent or desire for intimacy with us, not syllables. His desire is that His children know Him as Father, not Jehovah, Yahweh or Yaho..... or you would find the name of Yaho 7000 times in the New Testament as well.
I like the following quotation that I recently picked up.
"The name which Jesus manifested - that is to say, manifested as that not yet manifested before His advent - cannot be those names that were known already in the Old Testament - Yahve, Adonai, El etc. - but this name newly and uniquely manifested is the "Father".
Jesus uniquely and unprecedentedly in history invested humans with authority to become God's children (John 1:12), and thus to have God as Father. More precisely, He is the unique and only Revelator of God whom nobody has seen (John 1:18), and whom nobody can either access without Him (John 14:16) or know without Him (Matthew 11:27); while He Himself knows the Father as He is known by the Latter (John 1:15), thus is equal to Him; in virtue of this equality, He is the only natural and co-eternal Son of the Father, the Latter's co-Creator of the universe. And this natural Son authorises also humans to participate in His and the Father's eternal the divine life, by making them His brothers and sisters by adoption (John 20:17).
Thus, the new name of God, the "Father", denotes a new ontological condition of humanity with reference to its creator God, a new and unprecedented degree of intimacy of humanity with God, for by now, through authorization of the Son, humans also get access to divine life by becoming partakers of it to the fullest possible way; exactly this intimate partaking of divine life is called sonship, and exactly by virtue of this God is revealed as the "Father" of such "sons" and "daughters"