<<All Christians going to heaven is nonsensical as I have unquestionably established.>>
You can make up anything you want and attach scriptures that do not support your conclusions.
No scripture you have referenced supports the idea that there are Christians out there who are not anointed, not justified and bereft of the heavenly hope...and that they are all associated with an organization headquartered in Warwick NY. This group only exists in your imagination.
The Bible is clear. All true believers
have eternal life I John 5:11-13...(compare WT Aug.15, 1945 p.253)
are completely forgiven I John 1:6
are sons of God John 1:12... (compare WT Aug.15, 1945 p.253)
are to partake of the emblems of Christ's death I Cor.11:25 John 6:53
are indwelt by the Holy Spirit Ro.8:9 are born again. Jn.3:3 I Cor.12:13
are justified by grace through faith in Christ Jesus? Ro.3:21-26
are declared righteous having Christ's righteousness imputed to them?
Ro.4: 22 - 25 I Cor. 6:11 I Cor 5:21 Acts 3:38-39 Ro.10:1-3
are members of the body of Christ? I Cor.12:27
share in the New Covenant mediated by Christ Heb.12:24
are entitled to share in the communion loaf and cup I Cor.10:16-17
share one hope and that was a heavenly one. II Tim.4:18