Re. The General Resurrection
This obviously occurs sometime after the first resurrection and will include all mankind.... and your neighbor that lives across the street. The purpose of this resurrection will to judge those who died in their sins according to their works, including every idle word spoken. Judgement will be according to works and knowledge.
I see this as occurring during the millennial reign of Christ. And I have a hope toward God that the power of the cross will extend into the millennium and that many who did not hear the gospel or even the name of Jesus will hear it and be able to respond as we did in life.
Those of the first resurrection will be tasked with ruling over these resurrected people's or nations with strong correction, until Christ's rule is fully established on the earth.
To tell you the truth, I don't see how this all fits together...but I do believe that in the end God/Christ will be the big winner and the devil the big loser. Death will be cast onto the lake of fire and will be no more. And the nations will flow to God's holy city and temple and God will be all in all.
Sounds like a fairy story.... yes, but even better.