Yes, my great grandfather, Francis Vanderhoven.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Did you ever meet someone born in the 1800’s?
by Fisherman ini met freddie franz who was born in the 1880’s and many others from the 1880’s.
but as a very small child i remember someone very old aged 106 and that person was born around 1856 which means that he was around people from the 1700’s..
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
"This generation" on the lips of Jesus invariably refers to the faithless generation of his day.
The following is an excerpt from The Watchtower of May 1, 1999 (p. 11,12) which contains some elements of sound interpretation.
In the years leading up to 66 C.E., Christians would have seen many of the preliminary elements of the composite sign being fulfilled-wars, famines, even an extensive preaching of the good news of the Kingdom. (Acts 11:28; Colossians 1:23) When, though, would the end come? What did Jesus mean when he said: 'This generation [Greek,'] will not pass away'? Jesus had often called the contemporaneous mass of opposing Jews, including religious leaders, 'a wicked, adulterous generation.' (Matthew 11:16; 12:39, 45; 16:4; 17:17; 23:36) So when, on the Mount of Olives, he again spoke of "this generation," he evidently did not mean the entire race of Jews throughout history...
Rather, Jesus had in mind the opposing Jews back then who would experience the fulfillment of the sign he gave. Regarding the reference to "this generation" at Luke 21:32, Professor Joel B. Green notes: "In the Third Gospel, 'this generation' (and related phrases) has regularly signified a category of people who are resistant to the purpose of God. . . . [It refers] to people who stubbornly turn their backs on the divine purpose." * -
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
Vanderhoven7, are you a preterist? Do you believe Jesus made his second coming in 70 CE and that he thus will not come in the future? Do you believe a rapture of anointed Christians took place in 70 CE?
Nope. I am a partial preterist. Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 deal with 2 separate events
a.The destruction of Jerusalem (Mt.24:`1-35)
b.The second coming or parousia of Christ (Mt 24:36-51)
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
".... since no sign would given to that evil generation, this generation at the olivette refers to his disciples who were given the sign: “
The composite sign so called were simply events that would preceed the real sign of Jerusalem's impending destruction. The real sign of Jerusalem's end was the Abomination of desolation which referred to the Roman armies surrounding Jerusalem. It was the sign to flee the city and surrounding areas to the mountains. Those who tarried either lost their lives or were deported to surrounding nations.
There were no signs given believers to preceed the Parousia. "At a time ye think not, the Son of Man cometh." The timing of Christ's return is still unknown and that is why we are to be ready, waiting and watching at all times.
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
There is not one scripture to support 1914 or overlapping anointed.
It seems that scriptural usage means nothing to you. Nowhere is generation overlap presented or explained by the gospel writers. In all 4 gospels, "this generation" refers consistently to Christ's own evil generation.
Do you think people who don't believe in 1914 can be saved?
If, they cannot be saved, when did it first become necessary for salvation/justification to believe in 1914 as the start of the invisible presence?
Repentance and faith in Christ and His work are required for salvation, but I don't see believing in dates or in men as a requirement.
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
@ Fisherman
Which generation was Christ referring to in Matthew 24:34?
The Greek word “genea” (pronounced ghen-eh-ah') appears thirteen times in Matthew's gospel. Four times it is used to delineate “one set of parents to the next”. Ignoring Matthew 24:34 for the moment, in every other appearance, including 6 of the instances Matthew places the definite article “this” (houtos) before “generation”, “this generation” (houtos genea), in context, clearly cover the same group of people -i.e. “Christ's unbelieving contemporaries”
- Mt 11:16 But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the market places, who call out to the other children, (the persons then living contemporary with Christ)
- Mt 12:41 The men of Nineveh will stand up with this generation at the judgment, and will condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and behold, something greater than Jonah is here. (the persons then living contemporary with Christ)
- Mt 12:42 "The Queen of the South will rise up with this generation at the judgment and will condemn it, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, something greater than Solomon is here. (the persons then living contemporary with Christ).
- Mt 12:45 "Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself.... That is the way it will also be with this evil generation ." (the persons then living contemporary with Christ)
- Mt 17:17 And Jesus answered and said, "You unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? ..." (the persons then living contemporary with Christ)
- Mt 23:36 "Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.
- Reading Mt.23:36 in context again shows " the persons then living contemporary with Christ are being referred to:
- 29. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and garnish the tombs of the righteous, 30 and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we should not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. 31 Wherefore ye witness to yourselves, that ye are sons of them that slew the prophets. 32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. :33 Ye serpents, ye offspring of vipers, how shall ye escape the judgment of Gehenna? 34 Therefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: some of them shall ye kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city: 35 that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of Abel the righteous unto the blood of Zachariah son of Barachiah, whom ye slew between the sanctuary and the altar. 36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. (the persons then living contemporary with Christ)
- Mt 24:34 "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.
- On the basis of all prior usage in Matthew's gospel, and in all four gospels, what generation (houtos genea) was Jesus referring to Matthew 24:34?
A new generation of anointed that will not pass away.
by Fisherman inobviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
and because they were anointed, they hopefully went to heaven.
in the first century though, a newer generation did not replace the old.
@ Fisherman
Obviously, the older “ anointed ” from 1914 died.
Perhaps there is some hope for you.
The great tribulation will “shortly” hit any day now just as wt has been saying all along
The WTS has been saying this for 130 years... often encouraging people not to have children or go to college.
and since it will happen before the new generation of “anointed” passes away, this would prove
that the latest generation definition of inter-lapping anointed is right on the money.
Every time Jesus spoke of "this generation", he was referring to the wicked and unbelieving, never the anointed.
No other definition of generation is possible to fulfill the prophecy: “This generation will by no means pass away..” —Which according to wt is based on passing away with relation to the year 1914.
1914 was and still is bogus and absolutely spurious to scripture. It has nothing to do with faith in Christ or God's approval...and yet the WTS will refuse Christian baptism to anyone who does not believe in the 1914 invisible presence doctrine.
Nowhere in the gospels is it even hinted at that a generation overlaps. The WT must make up this concept to fit their 1914 narrative.
The question is... how "generation" and specifically, "this generation" is used in the New Testament?
the sounding of the trumpet
by enoughisenough ini will risk showing my ignorance but i had some questioning thoughts in my head lately...maybe those more scholarly than me have insight.
jw teach that the anointed who now die go immediately to heaven.
when lazarus had died martha said she knew he would rise on the last day.
Jesus is coming for his saints I Thes. 4
Later Jesus will come with His saints. Jude 14-15
The dead will be raised and the judgment of the nations begins.
And my take is that many of the inventions of man and his creative works including artistic creations will be preserved and used. Nothing beautiful will be lost. Wishful thinking... perhaps.
the sounding of the trumpet
by enoughisenough ini will risk showing my ignorance but i had some questioning thoughts in my head lately...maybe those more scholarly than me have insight.
jw teach that the anointed who now die go immediately to heaven.
when lazarus had died martha said she knew he would rise on the last day.
I agree that there will be a new heaven and a new or renewed earth. As I see it, the new heaven will descend to earth...probably at the close of the millennium when all the nations are subdued to the Son and His church and the wicked destroyed.
The distinction is that church will then dwell within the new heavenly city and temple, whereas the nations on the renewed heaven on earth will be the new reality.
the sounding of the trumpet
by enoughisenough ini will risk showing my ignorance but i had some questioning thoughts in my head lately...maybe those more scholarly than me have insight.
jw teach that the anointed who now die go immediately to heaven.
when lazarus had died martha said she knew he would rise on the last day.
Re. The General Resurrection
This obviously occurs sometime after the first resurrection and will include all mankind.... and your neighbor that lives across the street. The purpose of this resurrection will to judge those who died in their sins according to their works, including every idle word spoken. Judgement will be according to works and knowledge.
I see this as occurring during the millennial reign of Christ. And I have a hope toward God that the power of the cross will extend into the millennium and that many who did not hear the gospel or even the name of Jesus will hear it and be able to respond as we did in life.
Those of the first resurrection will be tasked with ruling over these resurrected people's or nations with strong correction, until Christ's rule is fully established on the earth.
To tell you the truth, I don't see how this all fits together...but I do believe that in the end God/Christ will be the big winner and the devil the big loser. Death will be cast onto the lake of fire and will be no more. And the nations will flow to God's holy city and temple and God will be all in all.
Sounds like a fairy story.... yes, but even better.