Thank you for both quotations.... that settles that 1914 was taught as early as 1932.
I wonder when the last mention was made of the 1874 second coming.
The Society may have made the switch from 1874 to 1914 in 1927. That is when they changed the start of the first resurrection from 1878 to 1918.
"One of the many enlightening truths that God now gave his witnesses was about the members of God's spiritual nation who had died physically. This was in 1927. In that year the witnesses understood that the dead spiritual Israelites had been raised in 1918 to life in heaven with Christ Jesus. It was an invisible resurrection, of course." From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained p.192
BUT of course, since Paradise.....Regained was published in 1958, I'm not sure how trustworthy their historical hindsight is.
Probably safe to conclude the early 1930s saw 1914 becoming official teaching.