Is the ex-JW community a cult by their own definition
by Charlie Ryde
Let us use the same BITE model for determining if something is a cult to both being a JW and being ex-JW. Mind you this is a short summary.
B- Behavioral Control
JW- complete control of acceptable behaviors punishable by loss of privilege or shunning.
ex-JW- not a group just a loose collective of traumatized individuals trying to move on and warn others. No rules of membership or punishments.
I - Intellectual Control
JW- prohibits or restricts reading materials. Discourages higher education.
ex-JW- still not an actual group but…Most ex-JWs encourage education and reading banned books.
T- Thought Control
JW- have a derogatory name for all nonmembers “worldly people”. Call their own teachings “The Truth”. Require complete adherence to the Truth without question to maintain membership.
ex-JW- no organized doctrine to control. Just people sad their families are destroyed.
E- Emotional Control
JW- require an appearance of joy to outsiders. Mental illness considered a defect due to not exercising accurate understanding of “The Truth”. Love Bombing when all is well, complete disassociation when a violation occurs.
ex-JW- focus on helping each other heal in any way possible and with understanding.
For a more detailed explanation of how JWs are a cults see the BITE model link below. .
And here is the link for the BITE model proving exJWs are a cult as well: